Hunter survival 10.1 Disappointment?

Being able to cast and move is pretty substantial during a boss fight.


if being able to attack while moving and at range is more important than damage, then wouldn’t SV trump any non-outlaw rogue? q:


Good thing survival is really good at that.


I mean, since you are being so nasty, I took a look at your parses and EVERY class does more damage than you. Something tells me you are familiar with the bench. Again, since we are being nasty.


I mean, since he asked a question, I thought he’d be able to handle some criticism on why SV isn’t popular. Something tells me you both have thin skin. Again, since he asked the question.


What makes you think that? People disagreeing with you doesn’t mean they have thin skin.

Also doesn’t mean they’re being nasty.


You are a grey parser. You can’t have a discussion without being rude. You really think thin skin and criticism is the issue here? lol

To answer the ops question, SV is actually looking really good for next tier. Damage is up with new tier in both single target and aoe. Will it have higher representation? Probably not. It’s reputation in the community is really bad. People like the above poster and Bepples make sure of that. It’s almost like a hobby for these people to discourage players away from it.

Look up Nimzee on youtube if you want to see some good SV content. He doesn’t post a lot but what he does post is quality. Great player.


You think a whopping eight boss kills means anything? You can’t have a discussion without lurking on someone’s profile–that’s rude.

Wonder why.


It took me all of 8 seconds to look you up on warcraft logs. Based on your attitude I don’t know why I even looked. Obvious who and what you are. Enjoy the spec you chose to play this xpac. I’m sure you’ll get off that pine any time now.

I just explained why. Read. Top to bottom, left to right. Group words together to make sentences… You got this.


Are you pretending like you’re not being snotty? You’re putting a whole community on blast because one person disagreed with you and used your public logs.


Two people are the whole Hunter Community.

Which may be accurate concerning Survival Hunters.


What else did you mean by “Wonder Why?”

You keep saying these really vague statements and then get bent out of shape when people question you on them.

Survival isn’t a popular spec because it’s mainly melee. Why take a Survival Hunter when something like an Unholy Death Knight does so much better?

Marks and BM are good ranged options because they can move and cast most of the time–BM especially without losing upkeep.


Right, and this circles back to the original argument of why bring a BM or MM Hunter if a Warlock does it WAY better a Hunter ever would in the next tier?

You said because Hunters can move, but that’s rarely a reason to bring it over a different spec at competitive levels when the difference in damage is as stark as it’s looking to be.

Then, if your next argument is “well mobility at range is important” then you have to accept the fact that Survival (while dealing comparable damage to UDK) is more mobile and has higher range.


So by your rational why take you to a raid when a blue parser will do more damage? You keep essentially dogging yourself out here. As far as I can tell you don’t do anything on that hunter of yours. I’d much rather have a good SV hunter in my raid than you any day. Bring the player, not the class.

Unless you are chasing world first it literally doesn’t matter at all. A raid full of SV hunters with a few healers and tanks can clear any content if they aren’t complete garbage.


Ya your extensive raid exp this season on your hunter is really insane.


Nice non sequitur.

No, you just keep trying to make it a point because you have nothing to add.

Being able to cast and move at the same time is an insanely big deal.


Hey man, watch your tone, he/she clearly read a post on reddit about hunters or something like that. :wink: /eyeroll


Oh no, three Survival Hunters that can’t handle criticism, whatever shall I do…