Hunter SOD Woes

Is it only me and my grumpy-old-a$$, or does it seem like no one at Blizz mains hunter? I have been a hunter-main since OG Vanilla open beta, so YES I am extremely biased, but I am old and no longer care.

These recent nerfs to hunter, (even before SOD releases) makes it seem like their initial numbers for the LW and Sniper Training were arbitrary. Yes they were probably a bit over-tuned…but come on let us have a least a lockout worths of fun before the nerf-bat makes an appearance

The addition of Explosive shot might be a good ability, however; in Classic Aimed Shot and Arcane Shot share the same CD. When Explosive Shot first came out it shared a CD with Arcane Shot, but Arcane Shot and Aimed Shot were no longer on the same CD. Since this is classic Will Explosive Shot, Aimed Shot, and Arcane Shot be on the same CD? Have they even tested this? Or are they happy having three abilities on the same CD?

Pets need help now with their AI/pathing, late-stage damage scaling, and PVE survivability. I watched a couple people at Blizzcon play hunter in BFD. The 1st boss is on a platform that pets couldn’t reach. Yes, the people playing the hunter should have either dismissed the pet, or used EOTB to get over there. However, that creates down-time which most groups aren’t going to wait for.

I know this is setting the cart before the horse, but seeing these nerfs alongside older unaddressed issues, to what is now the ONLY pure DPS class in the game sets a bad precedent.

p.s. Don’t okay boomer me…I R Gen X. If you are going to insult me, do it correctly.


I too am disappointed in the hunter ‘nerfs’ but technically they arent nerf’s yet since it isnt released.

It would have been super awesome to be a night elf without a pet shadowmelded waiting for some big dumb orc walking by in ashenvale to do a 12k crit headshot but now I guess ill just have to settle on a 2,400crit… probably still enough to kill them :slight_smile:


Does meld conceal the whole aim shot?

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No, and you can still use this combo for pvp and it’ll still pop horde clothies, even post nerf.

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Please just add pet abilities to pet families with no abilities ( bears, tallstiders and so on)


Very sad to see hunters hit so hard before launch lol.


Where you seeing this?

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Now this is the classic forums I remember from all those years ago

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Bruh hunter is shaping up to look awesome in SoD. Pet scaling, more melee options, explosive shot, aspect of the lion


How much damage would the buffed up hunter aim shot do at level 25. It looks like the shaman flame shock + lava surge is going to obliterate even without getting a doublecast. Kinda hope they stop touching the runes because I want to be the obliterator.

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Yes…I am, way excited about SOD hunter, but like I wrote above…Exp shot will most likely share a CD with two other shots. The pet scaling is still just data-mined…but I am hopeful there.

I want hunters to be competitive at top-end PVE, especially since we are the now the only single-role class in the game. The LW and ST runes as they were initially announced, would have helped us catch up to warriors damage. As things stand now, which is still all guestimation, I feel we will again be decently below warriors.

I don’t see Lava Blast being removed from Overload in that link. Was it mentioned somehwere else?

Oh you probably just mean in general like even if it doesn’t proc it’s still going to chunk.


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I think he means in general. I think the burst of things like Lava Burst, Chaos Bolt, Aimed Shot etc are going to be a lot less insane once everyone is wearing that level 20 blue resilience pvp set.

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You would be correct.

Hunters are Blizz’s red-headed stepchild.

At least we’re not paladins.

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I am interested to see how lone wolf will play as MM hunter. Like i am kinda hoping you get some mobility if you lose the pet or something.

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My dude, Sniper Training was an insane +30% crit for shots, and Lone Wolf at +25% damage was pretty nuts.

Hunter is still looking pretty sweet, they will do way more damage than they ever have. And they bring Kings now, and they might have ranged in-combat traps if the datamining is correct! Looks fun.


Says this while also being upset about balance…

Hunter brain


It’ll be studied for generations to come. We need to figure out what causes it, and how to cure it.

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