Hunter relying on your traps hitting moving targets if you miss = whole rotation ruined

Hunter relying on your traps hitting moving targets if you miss = whole rotation ruined. Bosses getting dragged around everywhere. If you accidentally miss you lose huge damage. Man, great game design blizzard. So over it man, so close to quitting. If you put down a trap it should proc lock and load. Not if it is procced. It’s so annoying when you miss and your whole rotation is ruined.

EDIT: @Stormwolf To do big damage I have to proc lock and load for double chimera shots. It only procs after a trap is activated. If the boss is moving around a lot at the start of fight ESPECIALLY am I just supposed to pray I dont miss or hold until it finally stables while completely doing nothing but auto shots? So not only do I have to do a complicated rotation my rotation depends on how well I am at shooting traps at moving targets??? It doesnt feel good what so ever to be punished because you missed your trap launcher shot. So I’m just supposed to wait til the tank stops dragging the boss around or just pray I line it up perfectly so the boss runs into it and procs it? I’m not worried about mana. I’m worried about the fact that if I miss I lose out on big damage and it ruins the timing of the rotation of when spells should be available if the trap doesnt go off. I’m assuming you don’t play a hunter since I have to explain this to you.

Don’t forget every raider that doesn’t know how to turn off spells effects screaming in discord or chat NO FROST trapa

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tbh changing the look of frost trap is something they should have done ages ago, its like a flashbang

iktf, t.mage

Been using downranked Freezing Trap (50 mana) instead of Frost Trap (60 mana)

Solves the complaint from raiders problem and saves 10 mana per cast before reductions.

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So yeah is it like my graphic settings that makes this a non issue? Ill have to throw one out every now and again if the adds on shade start stacking up on a heal and I can legit see any pool that it happens to get trapped under but man do other freak the hell out

but also this guy above me is what I tend to do mostly, but yeah still dont get what they are not able to see but maybe my eyes are a bit sharper

on the topic tho…tell your damn tank those things on the ground are his friend and not gonna hurt him. but also work on your aim a bit more

Make Traps 25 Second CD.
Change Lock and Load to Proc off Explosive Trap with (8-10s ICD)
Like no one wants to deal with Hunters in Open world PvP having 9-15 second CD on traps or Just the sheer amount of trap weaving and trap effects in PvE raiding. it’s too much

  1. Don’t miss.
  2. Why are hunters concerned with Mana? You have the most OP mana return in the game, bar none. (And it didn’t get nerfed like the other ones. Not yet at least.)

don’t miss

Yeah, so im supposed to do my rotation and just hope I dont miss my trap launcher shot on a moving target or it ruins my whole rotation. That’s amazing gameplay, I can tell you don’t play hunter at all. So why are you even here?

awe sweetie is the game too hard for you

…you at least have control of your rotation…and don’t even have to look at the blue bar.

Several classes have to wait for a proc to do really anything. This isn’t retail.

What does this add to the conversation? Sounds like you are just mad because you are dying to hunters in PVP. Do you play hunter? Do you know what the MM rotation is like? It’s hilarious when people who don’t even play the class have something to say about it that isn’t productive at all… :joy:

Imagine thinking youre that important to think anyone would want to do that to accomodate you also looks like we wont see stuff on the floor from boss fights.

They repeat the same mistakes retail already solved, like trap launcher’s inability to hit certain bosses during Legion.

Traps in rotations never was good design. At least on classic the rotations are easier.

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Yet in Wrath classic, they gave a launch-able explosive trap since it had more damage than black arrow and it was part of our play style. If you didn’t use it, you were gimping your dps and now during Cata classic, its still part of our AoE rotation. I hate when I think the tank is going one way only to change the direction at the last minute and I’m screwed, but thats why you have to anticipate and be better.

Its not any different than Consecrate or Death and Decay.

Learn the fight better or communicate with your tanks on when they are moving.

Oh death and decay procs one of your strongest abilities for a second use on it activating and consecrate? Also, aren’t these easier to place because they are much wider? Also, it’s not the trap damage im even worried about. So on a base level yeah sure its the same, but a lot less wide of a proc radius than the two above so harder to have an enemy hit it. It does not give you a second proc on your strongest attack. So it’s not a big deal if your death and decay misses for one second you can just recast it instantly. So no, it’s not the same, currently I have to wait 15 seconds before I can double chimera shot again if trap doesn’t proc. Which in turn screws my damage especially at the start of a fight. If my trap misses I’m missing that initial burst with full cooldowns up and my damage is garbage. Because I’m missing trap damage and a second free chimera shot my largest damaging ability. All because I missed placing this tiny trap on top of a moving enemy so it didnt get procced.

Anyone that played classic knows alrdy there r spell effects in dungeons that are very obnoxious, and why X percent of players alrdy know how to turn them down.

I didn’t drop a frost trap once after the 3rd to last boss in ST, and only MM hunter sometimes,but for some reason some ppl and raid leaders spam the chat like 25 times NO FROST TRAPS. Then there r complaints about ads running around or something and it’s like yo I’m just not gonna bother putting up my best effort if I’m gonna be passively yelled at for something I haven’t done yet

ZG and scholomance come to my mind where ppl learned to turn down spell effects bc of obnoxious mob spell effects.

Actually tldr, can’t wait for rank 7 frost trap with 2 MM hunters in MC dropping them every 3 seconds

Just going to say again…anticipate and be better. Using traps to be part of your rotation has been apart of the game for years, whether it’s a quick FD slide and drop at the bosses feet, being able to drop traps in combat and then a launcher that Blizz provided in Cata and then Wrath Classic for explosive. If you can’t anticipate and watch how the fights are, then maybe play a different class than whine about a rotation style thats been in the game for awhile.