Hunter relying on your traps hitting moving targets if you miss = whole rotation ruined

Oh do you a play a hunter? You shouldn’t be double punished. Missing a trap = misses out on all the trap damage for 15 seconds and you also missed a free no mana cost chimera shot. It’s super punishing, lock and load should simply proc when you cast a trap not if the trap successfully goes off. That’d be a simple fix. That way you are punished still, by missing your trap damage but at least it doesn’t ruin the timing of your rotation because your LNL also didn’t proc.


LNL proc on trap cast rather than trigger would be broken for PvP honestly.

I rarely miss a trap throw, and honestly now with with back cloak rune…missing a trap is hardly noticable (you just throw another type right away…cost you 1 gcd and up to 2000 damage if it was Immolation that missed). On live it hurts more because your trap cooldown is longer so you miss the above + a round of lock n load.

Its a small annoyance and does add a little bit of skill-shot flare to hunter in what is otherwise a pretty straightforward, high damage rotation. Managing Sniper Training stacks and landing traps is the mini-game.

I do play a hunter from Original Vanilla to retail, SoD, and all of Classic through Vanilla to Cata. And this LnL is a lot nicer than Wrath and Cata because as soon as ONE of your traps are triggered, then LnL procs versus a chance to proc for fire traps and black arrow. With what your saying, I can just lay down a trap anywhere and boom there goes the proc which would be broken and require no skill at all then. You want an easy way to win, but that’s not learning your class and actually playing with skill.

Yes, it sucks when the tank moves the boss at the right second, but it’s better than what it used to be in Original Wrath when you had to weave in and out of the bosses hit box and lay a trap if you wanted more damage since black arrow was less than the explosive trap. Your first try on a boss may not be perfect because of missed triggered traps, however, tanks unless they are told to completed change there movements, tend to move the same path way. Anticipate those movements or wait til the movement stops and then launch a trap.

Who cares about pvp, they said early on they weren’t going to be able to balance classes for pvp as they wouldn’t have the time.

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Just thought of a brilliant fix the the problem.

Make lock and load rune change explosive trap, immolate trap, and frost trap into grenades that explode on impact. Also frost trap applies a slow to enemies in the affected area of the explosion. Lock n load proc works off of grenade explosion.

1.fixes the problem of traps not going off or heavy movement causing you to miss.

  1. Frost trap wouldnt cover the ground and mess up raid visuals.

  2. Throwing grenades is cool as hell and would be fun!

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You definitely don’t play hunter.

No. You lose the damage fromt the fire trap, and the damage from your chimera/aimed shot. It’s a very punishing mechanic. It would be similar to resetting a warrior’s rage to 0 anytime they missed an ability on a mob.

Hunter right now objectively has the most difficult damage rotation in the game, and no other class is even remotely close.

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I do play hunter

You DO only lose 1 gcd and 2000 damage (this is the fire trap, IF it was the fire trap you missed and not ice) You dont lose the Chimera…next gcd goes to a trap and you fire Chimera/Aimed. Tell me you havent touched PTR without telling me you haven’t touch PTR

Hunter is basic AF rotation! Everything is always in the same order…you aren’t playing around random procs suddenly changing your rotation.

Bousted, you had major game especially with feedback and ideas about hunters for phase 4 until you spoke in this thread. This LnL isn’t punishing compared to wrath and cata LnL. Yes, if you miss a trap trigger, you miss out of damage from the trap and a GCD, but its a TRAP TRIGGER. In Cata and Wrath, its all about chance of a proc and in Wrath, if you missed with your explosive trap, you were screwed for a chance of LnL to proc with Explosive Shot.

With this LnL, all you have to do is TRIGGER a trap to proc a LnL with ANY shot. This version and shot rotation has been easier as long as you anticipate boss movements and play with some skill.

I don’t care about wrath/cata. This is a sod forum.

/cast [@cursor] Immolation Trap

Just gonna leave this here.

As a tank, I’ll make sure to move the boss around more. I already try to make sure I get the melee cleaved, and now I just have one more thing to worry about, great.

Well these hunter changes look nice