I’ll save you the trouble and tell you what’s going to happen; you will complain, very little if anything will change, you’ll keep complaining, and I’ll keep dabbing on your corpse.
You keep typing like its a perfect set up for the druid and the hunter is trash. Any normal hunter will wreck a druid or almost any caster. Hunters are the best and at the top by a large margin. That root can take 3 seconds or longer easily, rooting is pointless becuase that is ASSUMING (you do a lot of this), that the druid is at max range and will not only be able to have the hunters pet a sleep through the whole fight but also that the druid will survive and get the root off while at max range and back up a few yards to heal, in a perfect world that could happen, sure.
you cancelled almost 30% of your own autoshots in 1 bfd, you quite literally can’t even play hunter vs npcs that dont move, i don’t think i have much to worry about, we’re talking about players who play the game at a reasonable level, if we wanted to balance hunters for the way you play we would need to give you a helicopter
Keep trolling, random nobody on the wow forums that’s too scared to post on his SOD char.
this char is literally 10 times more known than my sod char is, considering its a random level 25 warrior and this is my wotlk main for 2 phases
No one cares.
“its not my alt”
“no one cares”
brain damaged hunter player 101, i sure hope thats your alt and not your main
Plays Warrior, cries about Hunter. Hilarious.
With chimera shot being a 6 second CD and viper sting lasting 8 seconds hunters will oom healers who cant remove posions.
I still dont really understand why it is a 6 second CD instead of 10, but im sure they will nerf it for lvl 40 cap.
Stop he’s already dead
That nerd is just jealous I have an epic crossbow and I’ve finished both of the BFD runs I’ve done.
This guys playing the most broken, OP class in classic and he’s crying about hunters? Skill issue.
You can always tell you’ve won in these engagements when they start spamming laugh emojis as if their jokes are funny to anyone but themselves.
And you are assuming the druid doesnt have the improved move speed talent or extra range on balance spells and doesnt have starsurge.
The druid should easily win vs a hunter if his pet is put to sleep.
But then, at the same time of you complaining about the hunter you are ignoring how much of a nusance a 42y range starsurge druid can be that gets the jump on anyone.
The hunter has far more counterplay vs it, even after he gets the jump on you.
You keep trying to paint the worse possible opener of the hunter getting the jump on you, getting all of his damage out, all of it critting, and you doing nothing.
kinda hard to win when all you do is call people bad and then its revealed that you are in the bottom 33% of hunters when you have an epic bow, you didn’t really present anything else
Well you’ve definitely never been to BFD, baddie, because more than half the fights require movement. It’s absolutely hilarious that the only thing you could fish from profile is whether or not I stood still and autoshot the entire battle. What kind of idiot are you?
you know that you can autoshot then move then auto shot and move right?, obviously i’ve been in bfd
This is your brain on meta, and it’s just as stupid as it sounds.
shooting people between your autoswing timer is too meta for a hunter player, we’ve really gone too honk
Guy who thinks the entire game relies on this to be good at it.