Hunter pets

they need to NERF both hunters AND pets


Brokentooth is 1.0 atk speed baseline with bm talents he gets pretty close to .50

You canā€™t get broken tooth nor the pet speed talents right now. Nice try though.


Next phase.

hunter copium real strong


Your problems are skill issues. Simple as.

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tHE sNUTZ brigade continues!! big deep state propaganda being spread by loser streamers.

the reality of hunters: https :// /0vwl4k

LOSING without doing a single point of damage. hunter sucks.

Not trolling. Check my YT. The real problem is that the developers (Artemis, Zirene, et all) were severely defeated by me in Classic WoW. They are all friends with the streamers like Snutz & Chan, and they are all in kahootz to make hunters as bad as possible. They canā€™t beat me in the video game.

Iā€™m 100% serious, these people are weaponizing developer status to try and get back at me like crazy ex-girlfriends lol.

viper sting is one of the strongest abilities in the entire game. 3 8 second stings and you oom people in full naxx gear.

We are pretty deep into phase 1 right now and I doubt we will see any more changes to hunters this phase. Once we hit later phases and other classes start scaling and getting other abilitites, you will see hunters drop down on the rankings.

Hunters are the kid who peaked in elementary school (not even high school).

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  • Level 16 hunter

22 actually, but Iā€™ve been playing the class for over 20 years. Your point?

Level 22 hunter named Legolassy who peaked in elementary school (not even high school)

This. Wind Serpent will be absolute trash at level 40.

Itā€™s an analogy. Hunters have always started strong, but historically do not scale well and drop off in the later game.

You should reroll marksman so you can hit the point with your 20 years experience.

Good night, good luck.

Fighting Hunters on my Shaman has been great fun. Flank them in Ghost Wolf, snare them with Frost Shock / Earthbind, and smack them repeatedly as they desperately recall their pet and try in vain to create some distance.

ah ya the typical hunter who cant understand that your pet should do damage just not equal to you LOL

Uhh have you even read any of the BM talents? It pretty much is

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Here you go friend.

His video not mine.

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