Even if you’re not a hunter, surely you have a preference on hunter pets. For example in instances. Big or small?
Do you go, dang, whats that? when you see something you haven’t seen before?
As hunter, do you try and get something rare? or just your favourite?
I think N.U.T.S. is the smallest hunter pet and the Recovered Kodo the biggest. At least, for low levels. Know of something bigger or smaller? share!
Arcturis, I spent many hours in Grizzly Hills back when it was current content before I finally got him.
My hyena is best boy in most situations. My wolf is second go to. Hyena is best boy though because all I do on my hunter is arena. And I can’t lie, their model update was so good to them.
I much prefer smaller hunter pets. Large moving things with large moving hit boxes obscure targets and important objects making it difficult to select a specific target and interact with objects.
Yep, My Void elf BM often argues with both his pets to get off the treasure chest or whatever it is I’m trying to click.
I even put that glyph on Hati to make him smaller… but I don’t think it’s working… 
He is a good boy, oddly enough. I had never had a connection to a hunter pet before like I do him. I had also never played my hunter seriously before BFA though.
I’m a competitive sort. I like getting time sensitive goodies. I got the mage towers in Legion, but still never felt anything big. Then I arena’d this expansion, and I had that hyena all the way from 0 to duelist. And he saved my butt a lot. I know it’s just pixels, but he is a very good boy.
I’m a new hunter, survival. I’m looking for some cool cunning pets. Does anyone have any suggestions? What are your favorite (non-exotic) cunning pets?
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None, I always play MM with no pet. I find them more of a pain in the bum than a help.
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Hyena because it’s cunning and has mortal wounds, if you’re looking to pvp. And as I said earlier, epic model update.
Level? and your hunter’s race?
I’m an altoholic, and thus, have a handful of hunters that I am leveling. I have two at 120, a draenei and a mag’har orc.
Draenei- Have had him for years, so a variety of pets, however I usually have out cats, or the crystal and fire turtles, or some random spirit pets. Sometimes dinosaurs.
Mag’har orc- Wolves, lots of wolves, or some other kind of dog pet.
Human- Low level, so just low level wolves right now, eventually big wolves, probably cats, not sure what else. Maybe a deer.
Undead- Undead wolf and bear, eventually undead boar and any other undead or zombie like pet you can tame.
DiD- Fire pets. Very low level so only the original hunter pet, but as I level him I’ll take anything fire or fire looking.
Mechagnome- All mechanical pets, mounts and battle pets, with a few exceptions.

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Dino buddy that has mortal wounds AND boosts your movement speed!
Same here! I seem to enjoy MM the most for leveling, but have other specs depending on if they fit the character or not…
My undead is running with this guy;
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All of mine are BMs, and in all honesty, I haven’t played the other two styles so I can’t say if I’d like them or not. I just know I don’t want anything to stop me from taming exotic pets if I so choose.
And yeah, my undead hunter has that guy on his list of future tames. I can’t think of many undead/zombie like hunter pets, but I’ll try to get them all, eventually. 
I love the generic wolf pet because that’s what my wife uses.
When I see them in the, “wild,” I think of my wife.
I don’t wanna brag, but my wife is the coolest person in the world.
Try it the next hunter you make.
They can 1h mobs before they even get a hit on them.
And yea, I’ve been advocating that all races need racial tomes, like the Gobs, Gnomes and Zandalari. Pandas for example should be able to tame sky serpents. Undead, more undead beasts. The tomes can be obtained by other races at a later level (not 110 like current ones though… hisss)

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Whatever gives that sweet leech, I’m so jealous when I see a hunter with that 15% leech buff
He is level 117 (will be 120 sometime today) and a goblin. 
Any hyena in particular? Where can they be found?
All skills are locked to pet families. So they’re all the same. you can pick your favourite colour. This site also shows where to find them
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Awesome! Thanks for sharing that website. Hyens look different now than shown there, however?
I’m liking that white-spotted one. <3 And it’s not available, nevermind, haha. 
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