Hunter pets are part of my transmog, should't be forced to use suboptimal abilities

Yes please. I hate having to use Raptors because the large cat’s don’t have the abilities i want, very aggravating.

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This would be good for hunters. Let us choose the pets we like without sacrificing anything for gameplay.

I will never understand how people can tolerate hunter pets in the first place. They wiggle waggle all over the damn place and half the time can’t even find a path to attack your enemy. They just get in the way. I wish they would delete pets from sv and just leave it as a bm thing.

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Why should the best get better before anyone else gets a chance to catch up?

To be clear: I’m not saying flat out never do that, I’m saying to give the other 12 classes some love 1st.

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You’ve got it completely backwards. Having a pet like broken tooth pre nerf or having to bring a wolf for furious howl killed the identity of the game. There is nothing creative or unique about every single hunter running around with the same pet because it has a faster attack speed or special buff that the rest don’t.

Using a pet that you like the look of but you know is worse because of arbitrary limitations isn’t a “challenge” it’s just bad game design.

Why not? We play in a world where my walking cow person can change into a bear/tank and increase run speed just fine. Likewise, why limit your imagination in a world of magic?

Everyone picking the same class of pet isn’t interesting. Letting people use whatever pet the want without loss of performance lets the player fully express themselves and has nothing to do with your gameplay.


Agreed! Just because they’re mecha means they aren’t a cat, or a wolf!

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But… they literally already had it, and it was taken away, because… reasons?

Were you in the threads at the time making similarly asinine posts about how too much time is wasted on hunters and you should get your turn when they spent the time to undo this already existing system?

I don’t even play hunter, but this is unbelievably petty.

It never, ever made sense to me that they removed the ability to spec pets in the first place, and it should definitely be returned. The only possible mechanical reason for it not to exist is readability in PvP, and that is a beyond stupid reason for all hunters in the game not to choose the pet they want. Force pets into their base family type inside arena if it is such a big deal.


Grow up - most people stop playing dress ups between 8 and 10 year old


You posted this on a character themed after a warhammer character in Wow… do you realise this? Or are you 8-10 years old? Maybe you were being sarcastic? I can’t see many other options here :frowning:


‘You’ are not ‘most people’.

The fact that new content with tons of cosmetics are super popular would say enough.

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Why would you expect optimal when you’re trying to follow a theme? I feel that like that’s you accepting that you aren’t going for optimization.


According to people in this thread, it was removed because a vocal set of hunters at the time wanted it gone.

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Right… at which point you posted how it was a waste of resources, hunters already had enough and it was someone elses turn?

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That was back when being a hunter was being a hunter. Pets had their own skill and earnable points to spend. You had to “learn” higher level abilities (and in some cases the ability itself) but capturing higher level wild critters. It was also cool that if your pet died too much too frequently, or you did not feed it to keep it happy it would abandon you. Having a finite amount of ammo was also more realistic.

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It was long, long after pet talents were gone.


Definitely missed the memo on that hunter meeting.

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Because my transmog has no affect on the weapons or armor im using or my skills, but my pets does?


I don’t think hunters getting buyers remorse is a good reason that they should skip ahead in the queue.

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Don’t certain pets carry certain abilities with unique pets as well? It’s been a long time since I’ve played a hunter. I don’t really see an issue with changing the pet look, as long as in PVP it goes back to what it’s supposed to be.

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They got these already…used to be able to swap your pet’s spec too before Blizz saw that was seen as fun and well…they hate fun so they put a stop to being able to swap them. I mean I just want to make my extras of Hati be more damage oriented not tanks for some reason…but Blizz says nope.

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