Hunter pets are part of my transmog, should't be forced to use suboptimal abilities

Why not just have specs for pets too, like tank or dps. I am a goblin squigherder, I herd squigs. I have a squig, but unfortunatley he is more of a tank than a dps pet so I sacrifice being optimal to have a theme, which as far as I know nobody but mabye warlocks who have a pet preference has to do. Can we just tame pets and I dunno, give them talent trees. I bet I am not the only one who would much rather have a pet that fits their transmog/theme out there.


Pet family types fill thosd roles already, no?


Count me in. I hate it that pets are classified as one of the three “specs” now. They weren’t that way a couple of xpacs ago, and it was glorious!

I wanted to use otters on one of my hunters, but they are not ferocity pets.



We used to have this option and they changed it, not sure why. But it was awesome.


No, what they are saying is some of us hunters match our pets to have a consistent theme.

For example, for my race and transmog I might want to use a pair of raptor pets but raptor pets are currently locked in as cunning pets and are far inferior in most cases to ferocity pets. So I’m stuck trying to find a ferocity pet that I can pair up with a raptor as the second pet.

In the past, blizzard let us change the spec of the pet we were using. We really need a return to this system or a complete rework of the current system.


Oh I see! Well I wouldn’t mind. But I think part of the hunter gameplay is getting pets of all kind and some rare trophies companion, no?

We used to. People complained pets were just skins and not unique anymore like they were in Vanilla. So we got this “pet class” thing and the rest of us that were happy with choosing a spec for our pets got screwed.


I can understand wanting special abilities, but picking the looks you like is important too. Could just lock specific pets to their skin to keep the special abilities, and make generic ones interchangeable.

Up until Legion, we could respec our pets whether through talent trees or the newer cata respec using Stable Master. They took our agency in BFA. It sucks so bad.


I have an rp story of why I prefer Hyenas which sadly are cunning pets. I DC about trophies. What use are trophy pets if I dont have any connection to them. Besides, some trophy pets like a rare trophy cunning pets are kinda almost not as useful as a simple Kodo or a Wind Serpent.


Yes, please bring back the ability to select our pets’ roles. I want to maintain the engineer theme on my Goblin Hunter by using Mechanical pets, but they’re all Cunning and therefore do less DPS than Ferocity and have Master’s Call instead of Primal Rage.


If you’re itching for that it’s right in Cata Classic if you wish. Full of pet types and pet talent builds. Enjoy.

In cata, Hunters still can’t ranged attack in melee and we can’t tame mechanical or squigs(Blood Beast) like OP want to use. Hope that helps you sleep.


this is gross

crap like this is why the identity of the game is basically gone

I hope they bring back pets with unique abilities or quirks like faster attack speed for a specific rare pet, etc.

trying to kill the identity of the game and the nuances that make it fun just so you can “match your transmog”

its sickening


Different hunter specs encourage you to interact with the taming ability. Using a different pet for different needs is a good thing. If you want to match your transmog with a pet, that’s a cosmetic thing, part of your “Game 2.” (“Game 1” is the game Blizzard wants to make, and “Game 2” is the game the player/individual makes for themselves. Game 2 is usually parsing, but it can also be striving to be a fashionista, a mount collector, etc. It’s how you want to enjoy WoW your way.)

If you want to show off your trifecta (player, mount, pet/ncp), and participate in further performance optimization, you’ve set a challenge for yourself that conflicts with Game 1.

And for what it’s worth, spells like Dash don’t belong on a turtle/tank. Ancient Hysteria shouldnt require a pet at all. You’re playing a video game with others, and others think “one size fits all” is not interesting. Taming is extremely important to hunter gameplay, and your suggestion effectively makes that spell pointless.

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Pets should be able to switch specializations like they used to.


Pets having specs like our characters used to be a thing for quite some time. Including in Legion. You know, when people said the game story and class identity was great.

Your post is insanely over the top. Calm down.


You already have the best system of class customization in the game by not even close, and you’re complaining about it?

How about all other classes get something even close to what hunters have before hunters get more?

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no, it would not.

i play a hunter as well and i really enjoy the fact that different pets have different strengths and weaknesses.

i really love how the pet system works now and it really helps me feel very immersed into the role of a hunter.

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Weird take. Hunters had the ability to change pet specs for a long time. Why so salty now and not before?

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