Hunter Pet Damage Adjustment Coming Soon Today

Congrats on being the hundredth person to not read the inital post, Swan.

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Nice like on Swan’s post. I guess you still refuse to read the part about the accidental buff. Doubling down on your misunderstanding, smh.

Re-reading a lot of this, what may end up happening long term is fixing the plateau BM usually has where it is good early tier, but gets outpaced as other classes scaling and overall item level comes up.

Best case scenario this is a happy accident in the end.


Thats some borderline stalkerish behavior there sir. Do you need attention today or what?

Obviously you dont raid, dont do mythic plus, dont do anything remotely serious at all, talking down to people like you actually know what your talking about.

Sure, right bro. I am totally convinced your 2 boss of raid finder 4 years ago experience makes you the total and complete master of all hunter knowledge.

O wait. You are actually a joke.

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That’s a lot of deflection.

Firstly, check Bepples-Frostmourne instead.

Secondly, do you think they should have kept an accidental 30% pet damage buff? Yes or no.

Post on him then.

I think they should have addressed the bug itself, instead of nerfing us because of a bug. That makes sense to me. The scaling with weapon damage should have happened literally 10 years ago. I doubt a knee jerk reaction will get it right…

Is that clear enough for you? That good enough for you? Can you just buzz off now?

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lmaoing at all of the bm cucks

nobody cares about your normal parse

Reading this thread has reminded me why Hunters have a bad reputation.


You are on a level 17 Orc Shaman and telling somebody else to post on their main? Really?


Not trolling, you seem to be willing to fight a good fight. Try cleaving the target dummies only while Call of the wild is up, then FD and exit combat immediately.

Seems like when that spell is active pets get base crit only. Been trying to get someone to confirm or deny :wink:

I can do what I want and you get to deal with it. Funny how that works.

Ok here I am.

The bug was buffing pets by a lot. So addressing the bug means correcting that buff back to what it was before. Case closed, thankyou.

Or just FIX THE BUG. You know, since its A BUG. This is like curing the illness by killing the patient. IT MAKES NO SENSE SIR.

Your logic is dumb af im sorry bro. Everyone has dumb moments. And this is one of yours. Big fail sir.

they just did?

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They did fix it.

  • Augmentation damage log events were broken for BM
  • When trying to fix it they accidentally made pet damage scale with weapon damage amounting to a ~30% buff which is extremely OP
  • They nerfed pet damage by 25% bringing BM back to what it was yesterday (which was already good performance) while keeping the weapon scaling side effect which helps BM scaling

So not only did they promptly fix it but their change helps the spec in the long term. Great!

This was all in the original post so you could have saved yourself the embarrassing meltdown.


Look I know getting the last word means alot to you, so after this post get it boi. Ill be done until a week or so logs have been cast, and then we will see the results. Then we will see. All this back and forth in the meantime means nothing.

So get your last word in with your super snarky reply you can be very proud of, and the world will go on. Bro you are something else lol.

Yes I am always correct. Scientists cannot explain it.

you finally had BM fixed lol. The weapon scaling damage to pets is excellent, and it brought us to be competitive with other dps.


lol !! Nooo​:rofl::joy: rip :saluting_face:

Lets be real tho… we all saw it coming… not a soul has touched the dmg in my equal ilvl and rank