Hunter Pet Damage Adjustment Coming Soon Today

Blizzard, you better not actually push this hotfix. We haven’t had this kind of power since BFA!!! And even then, everyone had their traits and builds to equal it out. give it a Fkin week guys, let other classes get their tier sets and then make a more reasonable decision please. 25% damage nerf is INSANE. WTH is wrong with you -.-


START WITH 10% reduction. dont just gouge our eyes out
gradual reduction, this is “tuning” after all, NOT gouging


Bruh just when I finally get into hunter. Going to go jump off my roof now.


thanks for screwing over a previous D tier class/spec that rose to S tier and now you are returning us to the bottom. Again. I guess we could just enjoy our time for a week and a half. appreciate it.


25%, of course you gonna overnerf us.
Of course, how about stop nerfing classes and buff others instead?


(post deleted by author)


Thanks for literally hurting bm. Again. It’s bad enough we get crap xmog but now you kill our damage by 25%.


What a completely over-reaction from blizzard once again. 25%??? Nerf? Day freaking 1? Are you kidding me…

The speed in which hunters get nerfed is insane. We cant even top the meters for a single day without getting dumpstered. Why can hunters never be allowed to shine under any circumstance?

25% nerf means we are going straight to the bottom once again. You freaking devs are so clueless and shortsighted it blows my mind.

Good god blizzard. You never freaking learn…


Months on end*

They accidentally buffed BM by a lot and within a day brought it back down to a little ahead of what it was before. It’s fine.

Did you all miss the part where they accidentally buffed it by 30% first?


Same thing within my raid, the 436 ilvl hunter was almost keeping up with my ret pally which is 450ilvl.
That was absurd.

TO anyone that didn’t raid until today, have fun being forced to green parse after these nerfs.

The changes aren’t a nerf. Read the post again before hyperventilating.


Do you actually trust blizzards judgement when it comes to hunters? Do you believe what they say? Because I know better, I know there history…and I know what this means.

Check the logs after this hotfix nerf and then talk to me. This has been a pattern literally for years and years. I dont know why people dont see it…


Is this garbage hotfix live?

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Other classes will go months being OP and nothing being done about it. Barely took 24 hours for blizzard to nuke the class when it was a hunter.


What, accidentally massively buffing a spec by a massive amount and then quickly correcting it, fixing a long-standing scaling oversight in the process? That’s a pattern?

And which part are we not meant to believe? That they accidentally buffed the spec? We could clearly see that in the spec’s performance today. I could just use the same logic for the opposite: “do you really believe they will nerf BM back to normal? They will leave it OP!”

Hysterical post.


BM was especially OP and only for a day. They just corrected it to what it was before the broken accidental buff. Read the post again before having an aneurysm.

So you’re just going to ignore the original post and all the replies to you and continue hyperventilating instead? Ok.

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This has nothing to do with tier though.

But that quote does not make sense b/c it has never happened. What I said actually has happened, continues to happen till this day. History generally repeats itself, and we are witnessing that fact right now.

After all your preaching about blizzards treatment of survival how funny it is you totally change your tune when it comes to BM. You are either scitzoid or totally biased, pick one.

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