Hunter Main Nerf Victim Here - What Class Should My New Main Be?

Really put a lot of effort into that huh?

Metasheep be metasheep.

I made two hunters to reduce respect cost of play styles :slight_smile:

imagine playing a class based on 20 min per 3 days and some rando webpage

13 “slight nerfs” have a big impact.

To give you an idea for the most recent “slight nerf”. Bm and bm rune is still bis. But it lost 12% total damage. Pet lost just under 30% damage, the focus regen change was more impactful than the 33% nerf from 30% to 20% damage (and hp).

So ya 12% total damage loss is just a slight nerf though :roll_eyes:


you have a 6s bow?

i just think its funny hunters were hardcore crying about laser cats until they realized they had one as a pet, now its skill issue.

The hunter pet doesnt have 42y range.

Yet the other ranged dps classes (mage, lock, balance druid) are still doing 1/2 the dmg of a hunter but they don’t cry about it XD

Yet they get stronger as levels and gear go up in comparison to others.

Hunters get weaker. We already know era hunter, which is what sod hunter is based off of, has horrible scaling issues. 80% of the base hunter damage abilities do not scale at all with rap, ap, or weapon damage. Which is still the best stats for the hunter to focus on. Sure we could do some meme builds to get +arcane damage to try and get arcane shot to hit as hard as one auto attack with proper gear, but it isnt optimal at all.

And we are at level 25. From era data this is the strongest hunters will be compared to other classes.

At 40 50 and 60 hunters are looking to be middle of the pack dps toward bottom dps. As the last pure dps class that isn’t a good thing.

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A full focus bar from a wind serpent does less damage than a single starsurge, and neither the hunter nor the pet are hitting at a 42 yard range while spending 4 mana. Druid’s starsurge next phase also has a 15% stun that’s not on a DR and gains 100% bonus crit damage.

For DPS, probably go Warrior or Rogue, they will be the top DPS in all phases, heck warriors without almost their entire kit were easily the top DPS in P1. As a benefit both will be in the top PvP classes; warriors with free anytime use charges and MS, while rogues will just stun lock you and laugh as they kill you, with the added advantage that they can easily pick and choose their own targets.

Also seen by their dominance in classic they are likely nerf proof as well, and its unlikely any class will get boosted anywhere close to competing, since as you saw with hunters, they will just get nerfed as soon as they get close.


it has a lot more range than that

I mean, you could continue playing hunter, still do extremely well for little effort, still outdps most other dps, and now have the added benefit of having things that aren’t boring pet spec be viable.

Hunter players think they’re tyrannically oppressed if they aren’t top damage with a 25% margin by right-clicking a boss, I swear.

LB range is 20y.

Basically anyone can cc or attack the pet from that point.

pretending pets leash at 0y sure its 20.
and if youre mm every ranged attack you have is 41, but nerf starsurge.

i havent felt it since prepatch but double lb from a geared hunter definitely hit harder than a surge lol. maybe the nerfs were enough, maybe not.

the only things surge needs nerfed is the scaling and the random delay between animation and damage which makes it really hard to preheal. the latter clearly being a bug.

Starsurge will likely be hitting for over 1000 on a crit next phase. Lightning breath will hit for the same amount it does now.

true i forgot bestial wrath, higher rank of lightning breath and better gear breaks even for LB. although technically youre right cause im gonna double natures protection any hunter i gank until those pets go extinct.

Beastial Wrath is a cooldown. The next rank of lightning breath is at level 41. Stat sharing is around 10% and will be insignificant relative to the spell power gains druids get when starsurge has a 100% spell power coefficient and will gain 100% more crit damage. Starsurge can already crit for 500 damage right now.