Hunter Macro's -Classic

Thought I’d share some macros for Classic Hunter’s.

Spammable Eagle Eye (to view further distances)
#showtooltip eagle eye
/cast !eagle eye

Raptor Strike/Mongoose Bite all in one
#showtooltip Raptor Strike
/cleartarget [dead][help]
/cast Raptor Strike
/cast Mongoose Bite
/dismount [mounted]

Auto Shot/petattack
/cleartarget [dead][help]
/targetenemy [noexists]
/cast !Auto Shot
/cast Dash
/cast Dive
/dismount [mounted]

Mouseover Scatter Shot
/cast [@mouseover, harm][] Scatter Shot
/dismount [mounted]

Scatter Shot
#showtooltip Scatter Shot
/cast Scatter Shot

Aimed Shot
/cleartarget [dead][help]
/targetenemy [noexists]
/cast Aimed Shot
/cast !Auto Shot
/dismount [mounted]

Arcane Shot
/cleartarget [dead][help]
/cast Arcane Shot
/cast !Auto Shot
/dismount [mounted]

/cleartarget [dead][help]
/cast Multi-Shot
/cast !Auto Shot
/dismount [mounted]

Volley @ cursor location
/cast [@cursor] Volley

Serpent Sting
/cleartarget [dead][help]
/cast Serpent Sting
/cast !Auto Shot
/dismount [mounted]

Pet Attack
/cleartarget [dead][help]
/petattack [harm]
/cast Dash
/cast Dive

Feed Pet, replace ‘name of food here’ with whatever food you want to feed
#showtooltip Feed Pet
/cast [pet, nodead] NAME OF FOOD HERE
/use [pet, nodead] ] NAME OF FOOD HERE
/use [pet, nodead] ] NAME OF FOOD HERE
/use [pet, nodead] ] NAME OF FOOD HERE

Revive pet/mend pet in one button
/cast [nopet][target=pet, dead] Revive Pet; Mend Pet

Aspect of the Hawk
/cancelaura Aspect of the Cheetah
/cast !Aspect of the Hawk
/dismount [mounted]

Aspect of the Cheetah
#showtooltip Aspect of the Cheetah
/cast !Aspect of the Cheetah
/dismount [mounted]

Aspect of the Pack
#showtooltip aspect of the pack
/cast !aspect of the pack
/dismount [mounted]

Hunter’s Mark
/cleartarget [dead][help]
/targetenemy [noexists]
/cast Hunter’s Mark
/dismount [mounted]

Mouseover Scare Beast
/cast [@mouseover] Scare Beast

Useable in combat traps

Freezing Trap
#showtooltip Freezing Trap
/cast [combat]Feign Death;
/cast Freezing Trap

Frost Trap
#showtooltip Frost Trap
/cast [combat]Feign Death;
/cast Frost Trap

Explosive Trap
#showtooltip Explosive Trap
/cast [combat]Feign Death;
/cast Explosive Trap

Immolation Trap
#showtooltip Immolation Trap
/cast [combat]Feign Death;
/cast Immolation Trap

Non class-specific scripts

Check if you’ve completed a quest by replacing ‘IDHERE’ with the quest ID
/script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(IDHERE))

Increased max camera distance
/console cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor 3.0

Raid Target Macro
/run SetRaidTarget(“target”,8)

‘8’ is skull, you can replace the number for whichever icon you desire
0 - Clears Marker
1 - Star
2 - Circle
3 - Diamond
4 - Triangle
5 - Moon
6 - Square
7 - Cross
8 - Skull

Class color chat names
/console SET chatClassColorOverride “0”

Slightly Reduce Rain/Fog
/console SET weatherDensity 0

Auto complete quest for thorium shells to arrows (spam while right clicking)
/script SelectGossipAvailableQuest(1)
/script CompleteQuest()
/script GetQuestReward()


Thanks for sharing. Didn’t realize FD/Freeze was working. Will have to try them.

This needs more likes


After posting these, I later realized that most of these are available on other websites. I’m just gonna leave them up anyways. I also added a few more scripts that are non-class specific.


Nicely done!
Despite being on other sites, it think bringing them forward may help others. Even if it’s something small among the list :+1::+1:


/cast [pet, nodead] Feed Pet

Thank you so much for this

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Thanks for spotting that. Must have clipped a line copy/pasting.

I can’t get the feign death trap maccro to work. Any tips?

Just got done making a few changes to these as well as adding a few additional scripts at the bottom. Make sure you stand completely still and don’t send your pet back in until you see a trap down.

Press the button twice in quick succession.

OP can you explain the advantage of the aspect macros? I can’t see a difference between using them or just clicking on the aspects.

Thank you SO MUCH!

I’m trying to see what advantage most of these macros add…other than dismounting. Which I’m assuming works even though last in order due to how the casts are batched now.

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Jax, the advantage is that you can spam them without having to worry about turning them off. The ‘!’ ensures that they won’t be disabled.

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Will the mouseover Scatter Shot macro still cast Scatter Shot on your target if you aren’t mousing over another hostile?

Yes I believe it will.

How does this extend the distance? Does it somehow eagle eye off of your current eagle eye target?

Why would you have the entry for the /use command here three times?

That’s Shaman Farsight

This works for Shaman this way, not Hunters.

I was trying to understand the purpose of this macro though. What is the advantage of a “spammable eagle eye”?

When you just use the Eagle Eye spell you go to a single location. You click the ability again and you return to your character. The spammable Eagle Eye macro allows you to search through a whole area by allowing you to place new locations. This can be used to more easily find quest mobs, mineral nodes/plants, and quest objectives without having to go back to your player each time.

You also don’t have to worry about your character’s line of sight. Put your first Eagle Eye on top of a hill and then set your next at some point over the hill. Your character can’t see it so you can’t put Eagle Eye there normally.