Hunter Macro's -Classic

Big one missing here that I LOVE: All in one melee macro!

Mash one button for all the goodies:
/cast Raptor Strike
/cast Mongoose Bite
/cast Counterattack

Of course if you aren’t speced into Counterattack then it won’t do anything, but nice to leave it in if you ever spec into it so you don’t have to remember to add it.

Also I like this one for wing clip. Again pretty simple, but pretty much allows you to cast rank 1 wing clip if you don’t have enough mana with some counterattack sprinkled in:

/cast Counterattack
/cast Wing Clip
/cast Wing Clip(Rank 1)

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I have this for only Raptor and Mongoose. It seems like it does both at once or am I crazy? Should be two button presses?

It’s just so you mash one button in melee range and it takes care of it all. So ya technically two button presses on the same button. The first one will activate Raptor Strike for your next AA and the second will Mongoose Bite.


One button for all

/cast [mod:ctrl] Dismiss Pet;[nopet,mod:alt][target=pet,dead]Revive Pet;[nopet];[combat][mod:alt]Mend Pet
/stopmacro [combat][nopet][mod][target=pet,dead]
/cast Feed Pet
/use "food pet here "

All the Trap Macros with feign death wont work in Classic.

This is how I did it… manually…

  • Feign Death
  • Dont move for 1 to 2 sec (wait for pet to come back)
  • Cast Freeze Trap, Frost Trap or Immolation Trap

Classic Hunter is not the same as Burning Crusade Hunter. Burning Crusade Hunter is way better as they can freeze trap even when in combat.

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Not sure what is going on, but the macro for feed pet is not working.

/cast [pet, nodead] Feed Pet Chunk of Boar Meat <— not working.

Forgot to mention, this is for my hunter on classic :slight_smile:

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Not a classic player - but still can recognize a gold worth post -

Thanks for it!

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