Hey there Fennrissa!
I am an officer & the fun events coordinator of the guild I’ve been a member of since Sept '20! I also recruit sometimes if I find good potential guildies on here or reddit, when the GM, Roisin, is offline!
We aren’t exactly a social guild but I try really hard to get people talking in gchat, disc chat, disc voice, & we also try to do 2 or 3 fun events a month! I still have to sit down and schedule our fun events for this month, and I will, but sometimes it’s discouraging when no one but myself, the RL, & 2 GM’s are the only ones to join in on the fun.
Every month the GM hosts a guild meeting to go over things, so you’d need to have discord voice for that. If you don’t want to talk you can mute yourself.
We are currently raiding Heroic CN, as we already cleared normal, but you DO NOT have to raid if you don’t want to, I don’t! I can find plenty of stuff to do to better my item level that isn’t from raiding.
Some of us also enjoy PvP, if you’re into that!
Oh, I have also been around since BC
& BM hunter was my very first toon!
Turalyon is a low pop server, but there usually seem to be quite a bit of people online!
Here is our guild forum spam if you’d like to check it out!:
If you have any questions or comments, I should be online a bit longer tonight or even tomorrow! You can msg either myself or Roisin!
My info:
B. net: boxcarbinny#11991
Disc: boxcarbinny#6587
Hope to hear from you soon!
/ Chutes (aka Jenna)