Hunter lone wolf rune

Hunter in era has two major problems: 1, pet not scaling; 2, half of its kit scale with spell power instead of attack power.

My proposal for lone wolf:

Increase hunter damage by X% without a pet active. In addition allows trap to be used in combat and hunter gains spell power equals to Y% of attack power.



People have tossed similar ideas around, making Lone Wolf akin to Meta or WoE in how it significantly revamps abilities and play style.

I hope they do it, if not necessarily in your specific suggestion.


something should be done with the rune even if it were to just make it go back to 25% .

biggest problem with the hunter was the scorpnid pet and then the windserpent pet.

the other pets were fine and clearly able to be cced with roots or sleep or fear or poly or even a snare.

the problem with the windserpent was it did ranged damage and an enormous amount at that in a short period of time and even getting a poly or a fear off left you with so little hp you would just fall over from the hunter plinking at you.

lone wolf gets rid of that entirely and makes the hunter (the one actually pressing the buttons) the threat and you can cc the hunter and counter it.

make it 25% or make it some “way of the earth” type of thing.

do something to promote another playstyle for the hunter other than the one that pisses people off from getting killed by an over glorified dot of an ai.

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Lone wolf rune could be 30% for all I care. Hunters won’t ever use it in the open world, because the function of a pet is simply better than any damage increase not having a pet would give you.


Doesn’t solve the utility problem. Lone wolf needs to give hunter more utility to create space like the pet does otherwise its useless.

How to fix lone wolf

  • 20% stats for the hunter
  • 20% damage for the hunter
  • In combat traps and traps don’t share a cd
  • Disengage works up to 8 yards, removes all stun, slow, and snares, propels the hunter backwards 15 yards

Simply giving hunter combat trap and spell/attack power conversion is way easier to implement.

Yeah can’t use heart of lion hurts. Extra stamina feels so good.

That’s exactly why I hope attack/spell power conventions to be added to lone wolf.

So we have to choose between pet scaling or spell damage scaling.

Rogues get a rune that allow poison to scale off attack power. It makes sense for hunter to get something similar.

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Considering how much damage hunter pets do, 15% seems far too low to make the rune worth using, but I haven’t played around with it at all yet. Honestly though, I don’t like the no-pet hunter fantasy, personally.

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It’s +7 damage on my near bis hunter. Only missing the shoulders from BFD which is 1 agility. You give up your pet and best runes for 7 top end damage on your bow. 199 to 206.


Just make lone Wolf give hunters an ability that’s like a dot, but the dot is able to keep attackers at range from the hunter, can use taunt to make enemies flail around at themselves, and the dot occasionally casts bite and claw at people. Also, the dot can’t be interrupted, purged, is functionally invisible, and definitely not named Fluffy. It can be like 50 % or so if the hunters total damage output.

No pet anymore, and everyone’s happy, yeah?

I don’t want in combat traps tied to a garbage rune that will destroy hunter flavor (pet).

Maybe have no deadzone, in addition to the damage increase.

Nerf hunter

Hunter was supposed to be op early and suck later.

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Force a stable on the pet in this scenario and I think its perfect.

if that was a thing, i would kill my pet in a heartbeat

Totally understandable.

That’s why there are runes for better pet scaling. My proposal is to solve spell power scaling.

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Dammit Ben, Fluffy is your best friend!

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Combat Traps and spell power scaling should be a thing in SoD :smiley:

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in combat traps are definitely coming, in some form.

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