Hunter ever an issue finding groups?

I don’t know why but right now most groups if you are doing anything 10+ look for ilvl 470 and and io of 1500. The close i got to both, the easier i found myself getting into pugs.

Pugs are the worst things ever. My advise find a guild that does mythics and work with them to progress.

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Well of course. Because you are toxic to anything survival related and write a book report response to anyone that doesn’t share your thoughts :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: I’m still hoping we’ll get a surprise old survival spec snuck into shadowlands between now and release since it’s so far away. Because the fact I play SV because I hate BM so much makes me sad.


Yep…or will derail an entire thread at the slightest mention of Surv to go on and on about the same old tired speech. I would laugh if it wasn’t so pathetically sad. lol

No, you will be fine. Hunters are good and personally I never get many hunters applying. They appeal to a lot of more casual players who are just collectionists that might not participate in end game content.

Typically it comes down to io, but there is no rhyme or reason sometimes. I’ve gotten declined for +12s @2.5k so…

There is also a thing called overqualification :slight_smile:

If it’s for Mythic+, you’ll have an easier time getting invites on your hunter than on your lock.

This is not a thing. Getting an over geared dps is always a good thing.

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Because hey, something new. Apparently not having heroism is reason enough to not bring a hunter now.

This right here is why my wife (healer) and I (tank) will only be running our own keys once we start M+. Fortunately we are both teachers and have no problem failing a key to help someone else (sometimes ourselves) learn. If you aren’t failing, then you aren’t learning. Better to help bring everyone else up than only work with those that “know”. If 100 people know how to do it and I can help 1-3 others learn how to do it, now the pool is 101-103 people to pull from. It’s a pretty simple concept that to many self centered (ME, ME, ME!!!) people ignore.

Start teaching others how to do it correctly and you’re success percentage goes WAY up. Maybe not initially but in the long run, everyone’s success increases. We haven’t started yet but we will eventually build a large player pool to pull from and will be massively successful because of our initial investment. It’s kind of sad that so many don’t realize the massive benefit from this thought process.

Will there be growing pains and frustration? Yes, absolutely 100%. Is it worth it if I can grow my pool of 5 dps to 20 that I KNOW have learned how to work with us in a couple weeks and at the cost of a few missed keys? YES!! Now we can all complete keys together, learn from each other and we know that we will eventually build into something even better.

Again, it seems like a simple concept when people aren’t selfish. Imagine what the player pool would be like if YOU would have taught (win or lose) all of those people that struggled. What would it be like today if you had ignored your own wants, looked to the future and helped 1-4 others in a run learn how to do it correctly? What would your friends list look like? What would your success rate be? This does not mean that 100% of the people that you come across can be helped/taught, but if you could help 70% of those that you come across it would massively help the overall player pool and more (including yourself) would be more successful.

M+ can be a toxic place and it is definitely intimidating, reducing from the numbers that can help be successful. I can only imagine what will happen when my wife and I help build up a fairly large personal community of players that LEARN how to do it together.


That sounds like the kinda community I want to be a part of! I sometimes goof and make mistakes but having understanding party members makes a world of difference. I feel like some people forget what empathy is as soon as they log in.

But hunters can provide heroism and if your one of the hunters that refuses to use ferocity or any pets you can bring drums.

yea i tried that running my own keys but pugging cauise the guiilds i get into they never really social to begin with despite they say they are and dont do anything with us so we just stay for the raiding. me more so cause of work schedule hard to find a guild to fit my schedule.

you will be surprised how much people dont lik,e to fail in M+ lmfao. few times i literally said " not pushing; just clearing" they ended up leaving after 2nd to last boss despite we could down the dungeon not even a lot of time has passed either lots of wipes yes but maybe only like 20mins passed.

thats why in SL i just decided to do it the way i want. run with people who WANT to learn and willing to learn. i have no issues teaching people the problem is many are not willing they just want things handed to them. same with my work field. thats why i let people like that drown at work. they dont want to take my advice or help i leave um.

I’m MM so I don’t use pets and drums cost money that I don’t want to spend. So in short, Heroism isn’t part of the base hunter kit, so it’s dumb to even consider requiring it of a hunter.

All hunters have access to ferocity pets so yes it is apart of the toolkit and its perfectly acceptable for a group to ask a hunter to bring heroism. Its a utility that we can provide.

If you choose to be difficult and not provide it then you prob won’t snag that invite which is entirely on you.


Again, I am MM. I don’t use pets. I don’t care what “ferocity pets” have access to. I’m not going to summon a pet, that’s going to cost a global to summon and then have to spend 3 seconds dismissing afterwards, just to cast something that several other classes have without having to summon their pet.

It was one group, and I found it amusing so I thought I’d share.

Summon ferocity pet.
/cast dismiss pet
Buff the party before the pet is dismissed, may cost 1 global or none if you and the tank have the pull timer addon.

Voila you buffed everyone and have your 10% extra damage. Which will most likely gimp yourself because the pet damage is better for most fights.

Each player gain over 22+ globals before the buff expires btw which would be around +110 or more globals total for a party, 1 global for 100 is obviously a low cost.

Well, you acted like a fool tbh.


Dismiss pet is a 3 second cast.

Ya. Cast it; When it is by 1.0 you cast the pet buff.

This is a matter of saturation. There are plenty of people with AotC so groups can easily fill. It makes it very difficult to get if you didn’t push for it early in the patch.