The new melee rune effectively makes melee weaving even more hectic and it kills the viability of aimed shot in the rotation completely.
“Just use the trap rune” problem with that, it doesnt give scaling to traps, which means lvl 40 immolation trap is 340 damage over 15 seconds. With the new melee rune nelee weaving will be melee auto then instant raptor strike, almost doubling the danage gain from melee weaving.
Right now my melee auto attacks hit for about 180 at lvl 25. So 2 melee weave rotations will outpace immolation trap still, and that can easily be done every 12 seconds vs immolation trap cd of 15 with trap rune. And that isnt even factoring in raptors reduced cd and chance to reset.
Hunters already had the hardest dps rotation in the game when melee weaving, this just dialed it up to 11 because now our rotation will look like this.
Ranged auto, multi shot, inch toward enemy, ranged auto serpent sting, inch toward enemy, ranged auto, chimera, be in melee, melee auto, flanking/raptor strike macro (spam in case of resets), step back to ranged, ranged auto chimera/multi (depending on off cd) step into melee, melee auto, apam flanking strike raptor macro, step back to ranged, ranged auto, chimera/multi, etc.
This is getting out of hand with how stupid the hunter rotation is going to become here…
i know it looks that way but im excited for the change. next attack abilities are clunky and bad. id rather have some flexibility than be forced to spec aimed shot
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It wouldnt be as bad if the rune also exstended hunter melee range to 7.99y a lot of the hecticness will be the movement patterns.
we need a skill cap with these changes otherwise we are going to absolutely trash everyone. you and i both dont want “wetfartxd” to outdps us in raids. we need a raised skill floor or we’re going to get nerfed again. period.
Understood, all hunter damage nerfed by 25%, have a good day, hope that helps.
Melee weaving hunter was already the most complex dps rotation in the game.
Even though I’m hyped for the melee rune, I hope we also get a powerful ranged rune on the belt slot to separate the playstyles.
yeah but as u are well aware even 1 weave is a dps increase over not.
that’s not fair. i can surpass a BiS rogue by doing 3 weaves in a fight? cmon. it’s gotta be harder than that.
Im just glad for something that feels like the gameplay is different. Ranged traps on different CDs is gonna be a lot of fun, especially for solo play. Raids are gonna be spicy with hunters being able to trap on pull or throw a trap at a healer to get the mob heading for them.
Just little stuff like that has me excited. I want the pet to be an accessory, not the main source of damage. That way I can bring whatever pet I want without feeling bad!
I dont think meleeweaving is high on their concern list since I bet less than 10% of hunters bother.
No hunter doing the melee weave rotation was complaining about a lack of buttons to press. If anything the complaint was “rune of passive”, essentially nothing changed about the hunter just passives for runes.
This new rune isnt passive, but it also doesnt make a healthy or fun rotation. It takes the chaos of melee weaving and dials it to 11.
Its not for melee weaving, its for pure melee.
If you were surpassing them with justs weaves that rogue was bad. Or you had a sub 20 second long fight.
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why are you constantly malding about hunters? pathetic
I’m sorry, the hardest DPS rotation in the game? Melee weaving is NOT that hard. Legit did the raid last night on a fresh hunter pulling 120 dps on average. If anything, give melee hunter more formal support to allow for the three playstyles to coexist. Also, melee weaving is hella fun.
Hopefully the runes they showed aren’t all the runes we’re getting, eh? The new melee rune will hopefully have a useful counterpart for ranged specs in that same slot.
And unless the rune it competes with is extreamly strong, this is the rube ranged hunters will be using to maximize dps as well. It just adds to much damage potential to not use it even as a “ranged” hunter. To give you an idea, if this does compete with the trap rune, that rune would have to gove traps 100+% rap scaling over the 15 second duration to even have a hope of competing with the damage output of the melee rune with melee weaving. And then with traps now dealing almost 2k damage over 15 seconds at level 40, that “breaks” hunters in pvp again because noone will want to actually dispell the trap debuff so it will get gutted.
Are you just tuning into the forums? This place has full of hunter complainers since SoD’s creation.
It’s called satire big boy. Hunters are the laughing stock of the community. The butt of all jokes. The angriest, whiniest, impossible to please players.
It’s important to mock hunter players to help them understand they are babies.
It is the most complex rotation in the game. As for fun, sure, at the start, but it got old 6 months into classic, especially when it was only keeping you middle of the pack in dps.
I think you are missing the point people are trying to make.
Maybe 10%(pure guess) of hunters are bothering to meleeweave. What you are saying could verywell be correct, however I think a vast majority of hunters are not melee weaving and so for them? Non issue.
We will have to see what the other 6ish runes are and which go where. Also if they do a balance pass as part of the release for old runes. Too much is up in the air to know for sure.
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Redhead, fyi this is exactly what im talking abt. with the changes rogues gonna get outpumped with a change to deadzone.
you want it, i want it (for diff reasons), they cant do it or we lose our whole toolkit.
the clunkiness is a necessary evil in classic, and you ultimately will want it because otherwise there must be trade-offs and consequences
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