Hunter changes next week


Thanks for sharing I hadn’t caught this until shared with me in another post.
Hunter copium refilled. Please don’t let me down.

Although I will say it does concern me a little bit about how they specifically state spec tree updates. So the Hero Power talents are shipping out as is…?


Hopefully its a big rework at a class tree level and spec level. MM needs a big rework. I shouldnt need to summon a pet to use lust or stun or anti heal or sac or freedom. I would rather them abandon a pure ranger spec and get rid of lone wolf completely if they wont allow us to use basic utility without a pet.


Saw a post on Reddit earlier where a guy mentioned that some spell data had been discovered in the beta

Specifically: “you gain aspect of the cheetah for 3 seconds after triggering a trap - can only occur once every 1 min” and “survival of the fittest now has 2 charges”

No proof was presented. But interesting if true to say the least.

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I am kinda wanting an updated mobility skill. Disengage is so old and outdated. I dont mind having it but giving bm or mm a slide or something would be very align to ranger and you could combo it with disengage, maybe even let people attack while sliding. I am expecting a big rework not like padding existing stuff. Hunter needs to be brought up to modern classes

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It’s true, it was datamined as part of the beta build, MMO posted it too.
It’s part of a choice node, the other option being you cant be slowed during Aspect of the cheetah or something like that.

But until next week we wont really understand if they’re good or bad.


Thanks! Had forgotten about mmo champ.

What are your thoughts on the Guillie Suit talent? Camo already breaks instantly on any damage taken… feel like it’s going to turn into degenerate-waste cd on utility to take advantage of 20% dr effect-gameplay… assuming the base functionality of camo doesn’t change ofc

1 week later.

We have no changes to announce.


Except there are already changes that are being datamined :clown_face:


Imo i want lone wolf to not affect aoe + lust to be attached to the hunter as a horn of the wild type ability, that way we can actually have the choice and freedom of pet or no pet

Intimidate and sac should also summon a dire beast to execute them if petless


honestly cant blame him for being pessimistic, i’m waiting to see the changes before dooming again myself.
I’ll give them a chance since the recent reworks have been great


Yeah I understand pessism but when they’ve announced changes are coming, there are datamined changes already found and people are still just mindlessly dooming its rather cringe.


The datamined changes we do have look awful tbf, just a binding shot nerf i think? unless there’s more that you’ve seen.
We got that before the announcement which was truly awful on blizzards part lol.


ye they’re on mmoc and some look pretty solid (2 charges on sotf especially)

Give survival some kind of sustain so that I can go toe to toe with other melee during my teams setups.


I’d like to see spirit bond and aspect of the ironhawk be in the left tree, and/or let leech work on pet damage
that’d be a start


Ive been one of the more pessimistic people about the state of things and even Im back on the hopium train.


Yeah I think if we’re gonna doom we should at least pause it when they announce that changes are coming and then we can doom again if they suck xD


Was just looking at the data mined stuff and there is a new talent coming called “Moving Target” which when you mouseover says Instant and damage/healing modifier +10%.

I wonder if thats going to replace Lone Wolf.

Especially as there is another talent called Harmonise with an icon of a wolf that doesnt have any description to it.

Damage comes from the new Lone Wolf, Harmonise gives us the pet abilities directly when no pet is out.


These 2 are set bonus effects from the new tier. Moving target for example is the 10/20% aimed shot buff after consuming procs.’

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