Hunter BM spec in P2 is bad for PVP

I don’t keep in touch with people who didn’t graduate highschool. Sorry.

You have no idea what you’re talking about

Makes sense. I notice it has a delay a lot of the time too and mobs/players get frozen a yard or so away from the initial trap placement.

Again, we’ll see in Phase 2.

I’m not even asking for hunter nerfs.

I’m enjoying the scaling they’ve been doing for Hunter’s and will continue to do so.

The amount of Hunter crying since SoD has dropped is honestly fascinating. Hunter’s crying and people killed by Hunter’s.

I really look forward to how this goes forward into Phase 2 with the scaling.

Must be a perspective thing.

All I see on these forums are 90% begging for the 13th hunter nerf because they are afraid of BM hunter being good and Streamsnipe beating everyone in tournaments again.

This isn’t Classic it’s SoD and unless lone wolf is massively buffed just about every PvPer is gonna be running BM in phase 2


No one plays BM in classic PvP because Beast Mastery rune didn’t exist before SoD.

All the Hunter nerfs and they still haven’t nerfed the root cause of the OPness - Beast Mastery rune and its massive focus regeneration / damage buff.

At 40 Hunter pets will do more damage, be immune to CC and they’ll also have 15% additional crit chance that they don’t currently have. The tears will flow.


Well they always did BM before 60 while leveling.

I think even at 60 with BM runes (even if they are still strong), will still go mm/survival - because you need scatter / entrapment to be useful in pvp.

Hunters trying to kill stuff in pvp have already failed and are playing in non-serious games. Their primary job is to control, trap banana, help fc cross, etc. Killing is nearly always secondary.

OP is a troll that just tries to farm responses. Just report and move on.

Nobody is scared of you winning tournaments, you’re a nobody

dude ur a creep. ur post history is just replying to streamsnipe and stalking him.


Bro give it up, it’s blatantly obvious you’re posting on an alt talking about yourself

It’s cringe

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It amazes me how much self-awareness the average hunter advocate seems to lack.

If we are lucky 285 dmg x 2 being 600 dmg will only be 20% of our hp if at lvl 40 we are able to get 3,000 hp. IIRC most twinks at 49 could hope to get 2,000ish HP.

This twink warrior is level 49, NINE LEVELS ABOVE the next cap and he has less than 3000 hp without buffs. TWO +100 HP LIBRAMS, stam/hp on almost every single piece of gear, sometimes +20 stam.

youtube . com/watch?v=QXyO3bJHG6w

So if a warrior at 49 with level 60 enchants can’t break 3000 hp in dps/stam gear what do you think happens with 9 fewer levels and far less enchants when you just admitted pets will be doing 600 magic dmg in 1 global (the first attack is instant, the second attack follows after 1 global)

Breath right now crits as hard as pyroblast does and you can use it twice back to back, and the follow ups are extremely fast. Most classes will probably be lucky to have 2000-2400 hp on their own. Mages could easily hit 60 and have less than 2k hp, my mage in vanilla with pvp gear had 3200 hp at freaking level 60.

side note: Pets will have +15% crit chance on top of their base amount and that could easily be 900 damage in 1.5 seconds.

No one is playing BM in SoD stop the cope.

320 GS and within like 2% of full BiS. I’m missing the xbow, 3 agi on the second ring slot, 1 agi on the bracer slot, 2 agi on the shoulders, and 5 agi and 1% hit on the boot slot.

If someone is out there hitting 300 LBs, then it’s with BiS or near BiS gear and WSG berserking, consumes, or the world buffs r some combination of those three. It won’t hit 300+ under normal circumstances. 11 agi wouldn’t push it over 300 crits.

Also, hunters crit chance is very low currently, so it’s not like it’s an endless stream of back to back to back to back crits all the time.

I’m offering evidence to disprove the hyperbole, if you’d like to offer evidence to support your claim, feel free. I’ll be waiting.

On a side note, I would expect a full BiS dps class to do a lot of damage. That’s kinda how the game works. Get better gear, do better damage. That’s been the gameplay loop of WoW for 19 years now.


Feign is off the GCD IIRC, you are almost NEVER going to get hit faster than you can click those 2 buttons. Maybe some things like frost nova or psychic scream might tag you.

Yes feign, is off the GCD but you are almost never going to walk up to a decent player and fd + trap them. People have been wishing to do that for nearly 20 years and nobody can do it reliably. You can really only take the risk versus bad players.

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imgur . com/a/IIBQPGS

Pic related, but post is directed at the thread in general

We might be able to see 2 LB crits take 65% of a persons hp in 1.5 seconds, as a mage I’m pushing it hard to reach 1200-1300 unbuffed.

Since we can just CC the pet would you say 500 dmg crit isn’t unfair at lvl 25? What about 650?

Reminder that pyroblast in top gear is 250+100ish for spell power.

Hunter pets can pom-pyro 2-6 times a fight while the hunter themselves deals great damage and this is called balance.

My hunter is level 11 and will be 25 soon.

You will be losing to locks, priests, and mages as hunter in P2.

Cope harder.

Your lil pet won’t save u bro.

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Yeah the wind sepant is crazy op - I tamed a green one at 16 and the biggest issue was making sure I do enough damage to mobs so I can loot them before it explodes them.

My cow hunter is lvl 21 now and I have can gank bad lvl 25s semi reliably. (though a hunter could do that with any pet since they just can never break the distance). But the zappy makes it a lot faster.

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