Hunter BM spec in P2 is bad for PVP

It’s not going to happen so stop coping over this.

No one plays BM in PVP in classic. The bestial wrath is not a good talent in classic.

You go marksman or survival in classic.

Stop coping about BM. It’s not a PVP spec.

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Sounds like a pre-cope because its going to happen and streamsnipe is going to reign hell over everything.

eyes of beast spec best spec

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Jaws theme plays of angry red pets

“Guys, we need to nerf hunter pets seriously. XYZ just crit me for 694, WTF?!”

“LOL just CC the pet”

“It was during Bestial Wrath…”

“lol just kill the hunter during it, ez”

“it stunned me and mowed me down…”

“lol skill issue, cc the pet, just kill it”

“again… it was angry and red”

“git gud”

We all know it’s coming.


I’m excited for the 5k damage rogue ambushes, mages hitting for 15k with arcane surge, warriors having 5k hp and 20000 armor tbh.


At 40…?

Gonna need something to grasp at this.

My little silliness was just going by current scaling if they keep going (although that 694 might be closer to 928 but yeah)

Lol everyone plays BM until level 60 in vanilla.

Scatter trap is nice, entanglement is amazing, but having a pet that eats people alive has still been better until 60 when you are playing in serious games. (maybe meta will shift a tiny bit since we are stuck at low levels, but I doubt it will change too much since pets are always so strong before people start getting epic gear).

That’s why you roll tauren and warstomp trap :wink:


Lightning breath doesn’t get a new rank. It scales with 5% attack power right now, so if hunters go up 200 attack power itll do 10 more damage, plus 50% from BW, so we’re looking at 180 + 10 = 190 * 1.5 = 285 damage.

But yeah whatever, make the new numbers up in your head to fit some creepy narrative you have.


Yeah… so, there is a reason people keep screaming and crying about scaling (and the current Wind Serpent still getting near if not over 300+ crits, at 25) so by adding on a buttload more Agility and Lord knows how much scaling or tuning they’ll do…

It’s not as farfetch as you think but it’s not as close to whatever your previous message was.

I’m looking forward to the hunter crying posts.

I’m even going to just sticky this thread just to go back and give it a look over during Phase 2 to see if any pet manages to get near my guessimation. :zap: :zap:

Wind serpents barely scale at all. The reason they do damage now is because of the modifiers on the rune and talent modifying the 25 spellpower from the boon buff. That’s why it seems strong.

I wish you’d actually come back with some math stating how a hunter is going to do 900 damage with a lightning breath instead of hand wavey hoobly goop arguments meant for children to read.


Again, we’ll see in Phase 2. Until then, let the silly commence when it starts.

In this other thread " You insignificants gatekeeping a lvl 25 raid"


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Not even some guestimates on how you’ll get to 900? Lol. You’re just an outrage farmer.

How do you trap in combat?

Next phase we have feign death.

You stomp + FD + trap.

It is even better than scatter when you land it since scatter DR with freezing trap while warstomp doesn’t

Don’t need to give you anything honestly. Let’s just wait until Phase 2 scaling kicks in and see if the forums get flooded with the “Hunter pet’s are OP” or not post (kinda figure they will quicker than rogues personally, but yeah).

We’ll have to see.

You keep on and I’ll keep on. See you in Phase 2. :zap: :zap:

Wouldn’t just FD + trap work?

That’s what I thought. Just another average joe with 80 IQ typing his anger out. It’s going to be okay man.

Sticky this conversation with me :slight_smile:

We can continue this if a pet ever manages to get a 900+ crit during Phase 2.

Until then, enjoy yourself and remember it’s just a game. :zap:

Very unlikely to land it, most people will smack you soon as you FD and you are back in combat.

It does work versus really bad players

FD has a 30s CD so if you potato it, you basically lost the 1v1 100% of the time versus decent players.