Hunter a good main?

Tired of tanking and healing. Want to dps in m+ and some PvP…

Hunter good? Hold your interest? Good for world PvP?

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I used to play Blood DK main— and enjoy it a lot, but have been having a ton of fun as SV, particularly in PvP.

I do hear a lot of complaints that we aren’t viable in high-level endgame content, though… so you may want to consider if you find the play fun enough to offset difficulties topping charts.

As for PvP, I feel the SV toolkit is amongst the best in 1v1 scenarios. Most of the PvP talents have excellent uses for particular scenarios (anti-crit, mortal strike, ranged silence, tracker’s net, and more)

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Regarding overall performance, 1 spec is mid to low end of the pack…the other two specs are at or near the bottom.

I’d roll something else.

Well, I play Hunter because it’s MY Class, specifically the spec Marksman.
I don’t play it because of its performance, PVE or PVP, there are other Classes that are notably better. I’d say MM Hunter is middle of the road, in both the activities you named.

Hunter main for a long time, it’s now benching. Don’t get me wrong, hunter is fun and super fun in leveling, pvp, and dungeons. I just dont like playing as a dps as a casual mythic players. Dps takes too long to get invited and especially hunter is not a meta class, It’s even longer unless u Q with your own key.

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I just hit 60 on mine and I have 1 of every single class at either 60 or 50+. (Eight 60s / rest 50+). Hunter felt extremely strong leveling and in world PvP / BG as BM. Granted all I do is PvP I was always PvP spec and always had a PvP trinket on even leveling but I would wreck people 5-8 levels higher than me that would try to gank me.

All that changes at 60 tho, but all 3 hunter specs are viable in PvP at 60. BM is S tier right now. Anyone who says otherwise is probably just salty they got beat by BM/Disc again in 2s.

Main what you want and what feels good. Unless you’re a top 100 player in the world I highly doubt the class you play will be the difference between enjoying the game or not.

Or do like me and just level everthing that way you can always main the FoTM class. No shame here. By 9.1 I’ll have every class at 60. Druid is next on the list

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Don’t do this. It’ll kill your enjoyment of the game more likely than not.

I main hunter currently, I feel like it’s in an alright spot. We’re not OP or anything like that, but that was never the reason I played hunter. I liked the idea of having pets and being ranged so BM hunter was a perfect fit for me, a really nice change after maining destro lock for two expansions. If you’re super competitive yeah it might not be the best choice, but as far as being alright in general forms of play; PvE/PvP I feel like it’s fine. At the end of the day it’s better to play something you like than something that you play just because it’s meta. Meta always changes.

As someone who has two of every class at 60, I can 100% agree I don’t really enjoy the game much other than a very very few times.

Two of each class at 60? Why do that to yourself

Maybe he has a toon for each class on Horde and Alliance? :woman_shrugging:t3:

I know that I’ve got multiples of certain classes on both Horde and Alliance.


When I get denied for not having a +10 done to join a +10 group I just decide that leveling is more fun than having to push my own key. Also no guilds I find actually do anything, 99% are just leveling guilds that don’t do content :confused:

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Know what kills your enjoyment more than playing a FOTM toon? Not being able to get into RBGS because you aren’t meta. so you pick a few meta clases and figure out which one you want. I’ll be totally honest if next season is like this one ill just pay for a 2k carry because blizz is making it hard to play for baddies/casuals like me


The real question is why would t u play a hunter in 9.1 I’m currently gearing and getting an blood elf hunter ready for 9.1.


Cause that sweet venthyr transmog and eye glasses plus sylvanas bow and quiver why the hell wouldn’t I?

Dark ranger incoming

Only problem is will a pug or your guild will invite your hunter sorry a$$ since they will be carrying you.

The anger def fits the height here.

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See that’s what I don’t get. 90% of the time I’m beating everyone but Fire Mages and Boomkins. Yet I get turned down so often it’s infuriating.

I have mained hunter since BC,and I still love it,BM till death

Why do you keep commenting these absolute lies? Im BM and 6/10 mythic CN and always in the top 6 Dps and almost always top overall dps in mythic plus up to 16’s. Just stop talking, youre completely clueless.

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Don’t have to take my word for it. Just check the top 100 Dps in mythic CN and see how many hunters there are. Not very many.

Also there is another hunter who posted his guild is benching all hunters in their raids currently coz they are that bad.

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