Balance the OP spam shot with a tradeoff. Recoil damage. Recoil only vs players not in pve.
or just fix it so that hunters cant spam chain ranged 500 rage executes at people
The pve set bonus needs an entire overhaul then
- Kill Shot can only be used on players below 20% as intended
- When rapid killing is equipped and rapid fire is activated - Kill Shot will only work on mobs. there, fixed
All hunters were in agreeance that it was a stupid decision as it was lame for PvE and was clearly going to be busted for PvP. They had just fixed the lock and load rotation and then completely pivoted away from it in PvE.
And then deactivate every classes 4pc set bonus in pvp
Or just get a burrow trinket and burrow during rapid fire.
Ya, thats a great solution…
I see that thing every time fankriss dies. Saw 2 at once. Really ain’t rare. And as long as the boaring tank shamans and prot wars are in the game the MG42 hunter should be as well.
Lmao defending gameplay that only involves pressing Rapid Fire and spamming Kill Shot. PVP in SOD is this bad because players like you get off on two shotting players with PVE set bonuses and convince yourself it’s balanced.
Cope more lmao, it’s broken.
At least some non-brain dead hunters in this thread agree it’s a terrible design.
I never said I think it’s balanced. But neither are BUM tank shamans so why should I get nerfed before them.
And it is not a terrible design I think the new rotation is way more fun in PVE than the other one. It’s just busted when rapid fire is up in PVP.
I remember when druids started sending death threats over not being able to 2 shot with starsurge anymore, or over feral possibly becoming #1 in ICC by 2% instead of by 7%. Not all are logical.
Hunter abusing it with no skill doesnt want it removed because its the only way they win - is by being OP.
Warriors were #1 in ICC at the top end.
it went feral, ret, mage, warrior/lock, then the rest
if you looked at cleave situations then it went feral, mage, warrior, ret, lock
90th percentile. At 99th it doesnt change really, just the gap between bars is slightly different in WCL. But 90th is far more relevant information. WCL notoriously has to change their rules to deal with the top players exploiting or cheesing parses.
To be fair, looking at the Hunter forum, most Hunters there have been complaining about Kill Shot being their one button rotation after they fixed Lock and Load. A general consensus there to have KS nerfed. It’s the few Hunters here in this forum that are slightly out of touch with reality.
99% percentile phase 4 was warrior. In p4.5 and most percentiles was feral. They were bottom of cata tho.
Really? I didn’t realize rapid fire was up at all times… I guess they only push kill shot in between rapid fire and do 0 damage.
a lot like 1 button rotations, suits the class well lol
Looks like it wont be in the game much longer according to Zirene
"I don’t think we’re have the time to back and augment things is the issue.
That ship can’t leave the doc entirely.
So only things within the current balancing scope will usually get hit.
E.g. The 4p for hunters won’t work against players when I get back in tomorrow/Friday." -Zirene
Yeah it’s already nerfed. But at least they nerfed it in the way they should. And not just GUT killshot. Still funny how this get’s nerfed in a week and shaman tankiness just remains unaddressed. Can’t wait to see tanky shams with their 4 sets harlem globing people.