Humans Have No Culture

problem lies in the fact that they made Anduin essentially the Head of all humans. Whether it be Kul tiras, Gilenas, Stormgarde. They all seem subservient to stormwind which one makes no sense also means they have no one with any personality as all those leader seem to be happy to simply fall in line with Anduin.

So now we have those other nations doesn’t mean anything because they have no personality anymore because the leadership are all Anduin lackies.

If Jaina had stayer war hawk and wanted to lead kultiras in the same way her father had and wanted to take down the horde in oppistion to Anduin peace way that would have been good.

If genn had stayed focused on taking down the forsaken after teldrassil and gilneas and taking back his home for the Gilneans and Night elves that would have been good.

If Stormguarde had Danath and thoras trollbane having arguments about the leading of Stormguarde and who should rule and live there that would have been interesting.

Instead we get these anduin cheerleaders who are happy to bend the knee to a foreign king.


they were never gunna have the moral of kul’tiras be “dalan proudmoore was right”

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They already did twice.

Blizzard can try to paint the moral of the story as something else but ultimately its gonna fail because war will eventually return to the game which makes their whole attempts as paint peace as achievable as pathetic.

I mean jaina’s back and forth between Hating/Loving the horde has ruined her charcter. Her arc if you would call it that was non sensical in BFA, she basically goes to an island which tortures her with the fact her father was right and she comes out of that experince loving the horde again. At no point does it show any reason why she should ever trust or forgive the horde for any of their actions, in fact BFA should have solidified her belief the horde should be ended and made her very much an antagonist to them.

Also means that if war between the Alliance and Horde happens again she will once again need to go back to hating the Horde. Which will be 4-5th time she had done this dance.

I can also tell you why this keeps happening is because Golden wants Jaina to be Anduins foster mommy and that doesn’t work if she want the Horde dead and he wants them saved. All because Jaina has become herself insert and Anduin is her sons


Because the island comes to realise daelin was a monster, her mother even says no one could have stopped him, the end of the kul’tiras arc was he was wrong for being a racist genocidal monster.

the Island? you mean the developers trying to make sense of a terribly written story who couldn’t feasibly make a story that made sense like the horde actually earning her trust again. Instead the magic island somehow brainwashed her into trusting the horde again and apparently her mother too.

And daelin wasn’t racist, The Horde killed his son and attempted to wipe out all of humanity. Hes allowed to hate them.

Considering how many attempts they have made after to wipe out alliance races after his death he has been proven right that they would not change, and that Jaina would pay the price for trusting them.

He is racist, you don’t get to hate a whole race for the actions of a single generation

okay firstly that generation were the ones who escaped the camps, were the ones responsible for the crimes during the second war.

If we can’t blame the next generation for the crimes of their parents, can we atleast blame them for all their crimes like Garrosh’s war and destruction of theramore?

What about the one after that assisted in wiping out the Night elves?

what about the next horrible crime the horde perpetrates?

There hasn’t been an innocent generation of Orcs/Horde for a long time. The Idea that the alliance should trust them is ridiculous when they never change. Especially when its the next generation of children in the Alliance who will pay the price. Aka the night elf children burnt alive and their souls sent to the maw to be tortured.

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Idk alliance erevien but he is still a bigot and you’re never getting the genocide you so desperately want

Oh my sweet summer child I don’t want any genocides, I just want the game to correctly reflect the world the story is built upon. I don’t want magical islands brainwashing characters simply because a writer doesn’t like the direction that character was written before.

I want some war in the game called warcraft because that is the nature of the story it was built on.

If that means the alliance needs to deal the Horde some losses to even the score board so be it. Then atleast the Horde will have a reason to fight beyond crazy warchief be crazy.

This is easily my least favorite part of WoW. Is Anduin. He’s a narrative blackhole. If he’s present the story has to bend over backwards to fit his ideals even if it means writing everyone around him ooc.

I hate it. And hope he stays gone forever. Maybe the Alliance can finally get interesting fun stories that aren’t based around appeasing Anduin’s views.


Get rid of Golden too while we’re at it. She’s the reason most of Anduin is the way he is.


Don’t get your hopes up. We all know he will be back soon enough ( “the people miss their king” ) or at least right on time to save the day. Maybe he will have a white streak in his golden hair to show how traumatic the past experiences were, and also a new super power or two to make him even more special.

Writers pets and self inserts are narrative poison and should be banned.


Considering the Human heritage armor story line still managed to basically be around how super awesome he is even though he it wasn’t feasible that he did these things the game claimed considering he was moping around the maw. I also doubt he will stay gone as the writers can’t help themselves inserting him into the story.


Anduin will probably be back next expansion, he is a very weak character imo so it sucks he will come back, he is not a leader in any sense. A leader does not put his people in danger without the want to better their people.

Anduin does not do this he goes out of his way to help other which is nice and all but some of those people he is nice to than go on to kill his people, like garrosh and sylvanas.

Imo the best leader we had was sylvanas atleast pre-bfa ( I could argue that even bfa would have supported this if her motivations were not what they were.)

Pre-bfa sylvanas’s goal was to keep her people alive and to prosper which the only way to get undead to prosper is to kill and raise others into undeath which she did in cata-mop even talking of raising horde troops in siege of og,

Thoras trollbane is another good one since the whole reason he did not agree to the orc interment camps were cause of how much it would cost and that money would have been better spent on his people to help them recover from the 2nd war.

Genn also seems to be a good leader at times, however too emotional most of the time. But he put the good of his people and reclaiming their city before his own personal revenge against the forsaken.

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I’m curious where you got this impression? Yes, he seems to have given up his personal revenge against the Forsaken seeing them as victims of Sylvanas as well, however, when has he ever put his people first post-cata?

All he has done is lick Anduin’s boots and do jack squat to help his people reclaim Gilneas. The only reason they may get their kingdom back is because Calia wants to see if the Forsaken will give it back as an act of good will.

I do think Genn cared about his people, but since Cata he has done nothing to help them, Blizzard has only written him as caring about Anduin.

He literally wasted an entire airship and, like, half its crew to try and kill Sylvanas DURING A DEMONIC INVASION against Anduin’s orders to not engage the Horde unless he absolutely had to. Dude took one look at the Forsaken’s fleet in Stormheim and immediately ordered an all-out attack. He then proceeded to sit in the bay assaulting the Forsaken’s camp, demanding Sylvanas’ head. If it wasn’t for the PC, the Legion would’ve gained the Aegis of Aggramar.

He clearly did NOT put Gilneas’ best interest above revenge at that time. You can argue about it being ultimately a good thing he stopped Sylvanas from enslaving Eyir, but no one - both the players nor Genn - were aware of her goals at that time. At the time of Legion, all we knew was that Sylvanas was looking for a way to secure a future for the Forsaken, in her own twisted way. Genn only cared for revenge and said as much in at the end of the cutscene after smashing Helya’s latern:

“You took my son’s future. And now I’ve taken yours.”

Since Sylvanas’ removal from the Horde, he’s largely just become a squatter at Anduin’s feet, never really doing anything to try and reclaim Gilneas when the Forsaken were leaderless and homeless.

He even tells the Sky Admiral during the Stormheim intro that He doesn’t hunt prey unless he plans on killing them. He let us right from the get go what he planned on doing.

Granted, things worked out in his favor. But it was a pretty short sighted move.

If Alterac was Swiss and Part Germany then that would be kind of awesome when you think about it.

Sometimes it makes me wonder if we’ll ever see Alteraci People who are the Bandits going to finally form up a Nation again?

So he was lucky he was right about sylvanas but at the same time he was wrong for trying to stop her? Ah Sylvanas stans still upset that she turned out to be evil. He saved us all by going after Sylvanas.

He was right to go after Sylvanas because she isn’t a trust worthy person and clearly was going to use the legion invasion for her own purposes and he was right. Its more on Anduin for not sending him actually after sylvanas and providing him more support. lets not forget with one air ship he took out an entire forsaken fleet and airforce. if He had proper support the forsaken wouldn’t have stood a chance.

The Jailer/ Sylvanas shenanigans were as much of a threat as the legion was. If Sylvanas had gotten an entire army of Valkyr we would have been just as doomed if the legion had won.

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The forsaken for the most part had no idea what Sylvanas was even up to until the end. Attacking her during a full on legion invasion was a huge risk.

Especially if his gambit to stop her failed. Than we would have been in a world of trouble if the legion got their hands on the Aegis