Humans and dogs relationship is crazy!

Think about it. Really think about it. The relationship we have with dogs is so unique and crazy. We choose to LIVE and bring into our FAMILY UNIT a completely DIFFERENT SPECIES and love it like one of our own.

Dogs sleep with us, they often share our food, they cuddle with us, we miss them/they miss us, we play together. Even more there is many instances of human’s risking (sometimes even sacrificing) their lives in order to save their dogs (and vice versa!) (rescuing from frozen lakes, burning buildings, intruders, etc.)

We cry when they pass away, sometimes even have real-ish burials for them, etc.

What a strange and unique relationship we have with canines!

Don’t get me wrong, we have cool relationships with other types of pets but they often just share our living space with us. Dogs and humans truly have a strange unique bond.


To be fair, it’s not just dogs.

Humans Pack-bond? (I think is the term) with just about anything… even things that aren’t alive.

humans are weird. Though I think this belongs in off-topic no?


Yeah but dogs often equally return this bond!

I read an article that stated the reason the dog chooses to stay with us is for the free food.

Essentially the thing that connects us is our stomachs
And the cuddles.

Cats > dogs.

Change my mind.

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Why not a Corgi?

It’s like a cat, and a dog.

Wow. This isn’t really about WoW. :upside_down_face:

Cats are jerks.
Dogs are derps.

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There are dogs in WoW as NPCS.
There are dogs in WoW as battle-pets.
There are dogs in WoW as a playable race (Worgen).

And yet I see none of that being discussed here.


Just wait until our robot overlords take over and we’re the ones getting spayed or neutered and given a bowl of people chow and a bowl of water set out for us twice a day because that is all we need to be healthy.

Sign me up!

I do love the Molten Corgi pet. That bark is awesome for catching battle pets.

Even stranger is we keep cats as pets but we all know if we were small enough, they would eat us after “playing” with us for a little while.

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What do you mean small enough? My Sister’s cat actively tries to eat me every time I’m near it.
He is a derp of a cat, though.

Reminder that humans are naturally social/uncooperative while dogs are social/cooperative meaning we had to learn from them to function as pack units.

Yeah I love my dog like she’s a member of the family. I agree with everything you wrote.

plenty of other animals do to when treated the same as a dog gets treated.

If the other animals don’t react the same it’s usually because the human is not treating the cat/snake/hamster/parrot whatever it is the way they would treat a dog because they’ve already decide din their head it won;t be the same… But it actually is if you go into it with an open mind.

Cats/Birds especially can be equally (if not more) affectionate and attached to their humans as a dog

I’ll take pet rabbits anyday. Dogs are way too needy of attention for me.