Human Race Mega Thread and Lounge

“Sunflower seeds. They help kill the cravings.”

“But since you are fasting, try Propel Water. I will keep your tummy full enough to not feel the stress of Hunger.”

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Not worth it, don’t do it (respectfully)


I want to be a baddie, being the hero is no longer fun.

Resurrect Fyrakk and let us be his followers.

(For some reason I think of Frapp when Fyrakk is mentioned).

I know, instead of Fyrakk attack it’s Frapp attack! :laughing:


‘This is what we call truth in writing. At one point in Philly I was so stressed out with my life that I was smoking 15 Black and Mild wine wood-tip blunts per day. Anyone whose a smoker will tell you just how harsh that reality is…’

‘That is why when I was left homeless a couple months back, I stopped. Because I had no desire to continue punishing myself for other peoples’ mistakes’

‘Top 3 things you’ll notice if you go back to smoking. You’ll literally sweat it out, hence why our clothes smell worse than most other peoples. Has nothing to do with external smoke, you actually physically sweat out the chemicals to expel them. Things won’t taste anywhere near as good and I guarantee you’ll feel buyers remorse after buying the pack, I’ve done it several times and quit several times. This last time was for good’

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“The worse thing you can do, is smoke boxed, or pre-made Cigarettes. When I switched to all natural Tobacco, and started rolling my own, I went through about three weeks of Chemical Withdrawal, just because of the Chemicals they add to them. After switching, my lungs got better, my taste got better, my energy got better, everything got better.”

“It’s the added Man Made Chemicals that are killing us.”


‘You know I use to have an Alf plush toy when I was a kid. It was my favourite thing in the whole world at the time. I certainly do miss that show. Life was simpler back then’


‘This entirely ^. The same thing happened to me when I switched to vaping. A lot of people say “oh that isn’t any better” well yeah…yeah it is in my case. I have slowed down to a crawl since then, I’m about to switch over to the 2mg instead of 3mg. and step it down til I get to 0 and after that I’ll drop it entirely. It’s part of my 3 step plan to quit entirely. It’s worked wonders for my health too in comparison to the blunts I smoked(I won’t mention other things that may or may not have been involved but you get the picture)’


‘It is nice, to be me again’

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that’s a cool trick there lol

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“I was wondering, if they attach Darts on to the legs of the chair.”

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maybe or a clever editing trick

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“True. Very true.”

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help i cant go to sleep!


“Play Something Sweet (Brickyard Blues) - Three Dog Night”

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I prefer what I smoke to be freshly ground then packed into a water pipe, the filtration is excellent and the taste and the smell mmm mmm mmm … Making me want to grind a little flower now.

Kids. Smoking is bad. Don’t smoke.

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“Ten Years After - The Sounds”

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‘There is no chair shadow on the floor. Everything else has one except the flying chair , while there is one on the wall, the shape and size of it is all kinds of wrong xD’


’ I’m feeling really piratey:


“Fifteen Men (Bottle of Rum) - Original Version”