Human Race Mega Thread and Lounge

Aww, a missed opportunity, lol.

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“When ever I look around, at the world, these days, this song leaps to mind. I’ve no idea why.”

“Existential Blues - Tom T-Bone”
/maniacal laugh
/zany dancing


Hello Fellow Humans. I actually was thinking about “humans” this morning before I got up out of bed.

For most of our existence life was just brutal and nasty for humans. We are lucky to be alive now. Life is better for most humans today than at any point in the past. I used to think it would have been amazing to live during some of my favorite periods of history - Autumn and Spring period in China, Sengoku period in Japan etc. but I’d likely have lived my life and be dead already and I’m only 42.

So cheers Humans for making the world a better place.


“Wise words. Wise words indeed.”

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leaves Foxy suit at the door

‘Greetings fellow human gamers. As an Aussie transplant in America, it’s a very interesting place to reside. I’ve been all over the place over here (Missouri → Philadelphia → Georgia living wise but I’ve been to 4 different Midwestern states and driven from Missouri to Georgia via TN/MS/AL the 13.5 hour way…)’

‘This thread is pretty neat. I feel kind of old although by many standards I’m not(37 in early January). I guess that’s life experience versus age. I hope you’re all doing well’


It is at my job since the bathrooms are always closing and opening.

Work is actually da poop for the people they hire to fix the bathrooms since the company doesn’t want to permanently fix it.


‘Sounds like where I use to work in Philly. Acme Markets was notorious for doing that, and then some random customer would come in and jam it up completely by putting a ton of toilet paper down it and block the pipes all over again. I won’t go into the nitty gritty details of what that encompasses, but to say it wasn’t pleasant for someone who had to work in the backroom constantly would be an understatement…’


I was told that the pipes were small and just needed to be replaced with better pipes, but I did catch a customer stuffing toilet seat protectors in the toilet when I was in the bathroom.

They were removed from the bathrooms since. I bet that’s what the plumbers found too that was clogging up the pipes, people flushing toilet seat protectors when they shouldn’t.

Use to close the bathrooms every week, now it’s only like every 2 or 3 weeks, it’s still a problem it was just reduced by removing toilet seat protectors. For what the store pays for fixing they could have paid to permanently fixed it.

Once in a while there would be clog toilets with toilet paper.


‘I have a story of a highly unpleasant variety concerning the fact ours were closed and this customer didn’t want to wait…and proceeded to do so throughout the entire store… when my friend the custodian came up to me and told me about it I could not believe someone would actually do that…’

‘It’s a good thing to remove items like that from the bathrooms, we had to do the same with wet wipes because people kept flushing them even though there was a courtesy basket next to the stall…mind you, that was the employee one that got jammed up constantly originally…then-on after they refused to give them that privilege as I’m sure you can imagine’

‘But enough of the weird stuff…Hows you? Been a while friend’


I’m here, not too sure about next expansion. It’s a year from now, but we’ll see.


‘As a dear friend of mine from TN once said “I’m already committed at this point”, I bought both because it was more financially feasible for me to have both now and not have to worry about that in the future, I am actually working on returning back home(to Australia) at some point in the not too distant future, but logistics are a bit of a nightmare for me at the moment.’


“Glad you could join the Party, my dear foxy friend!”
/happy grin


‘I appreciate the invitation, friend. I haven’t seen the old crew for a long time :slight_smile: I’m glad that most of us are still around’


“I am hoping this thread will bring more of our old friends out of the wood work. I miss the old gang too.”

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‘I put my circa 2019 transmog back on to see if I could use it as a lure…we’ll see. Won’t be back to painting ye olde Mates’ parents house until Saturday because the weather got narky down here…threw them into a bit of a tizzie, but she’ll be right I’m sure’

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“I like it. Looks good on a Fox.”

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I miss our gnome bear :bear: sandwich :sandwich: eating friend.

He would of loved this:

The :bear: :sandwich:'s he always loved.


“I invited him, but I think he is a bit busy right now.”


‘What ever happened to the moon of Dread?’

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