Human Race Mega Thread and Lounge

“I play a little bit of both.”

“I wanted to see the Dam, before it got wrecked.”


I tended to like Darkshore pre-cat myself

The cat changes were so not for me, just way too much sad stuff.
Almost like Bliz has an allergy to happy stories :rofl:

Got some good grinding memories in other zones as well


It prolly sounds a little boring, but I like the desert zone south of Tanaris? I think it was south of Tanaris. I haven’t visited in eons. I should. I lost my car keys there once.

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“My Motorcycle Momma Gobby loves to ride her Motorcycle in the sand dunes.”


That sounds like a tongue twister, lol.

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“Would you like to see her?”

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Well shoot, show me. :smiley:

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“Hi! Cyndi said you wanted to meet me.”


Is this really Motorcycle Momma Gobby? Lol

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“Yup! Baddest Gobby Biker in Azeroth!!!”

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“I only really play the game on my Main, Cyndilou. The rest are just stuff to fool with. I don’t even gear them, much. Cyndi Lou is my main, the rest are just toys.”

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Oh I get it, she’s just your ‘play thing’ :sweat_smile:

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“I love creating Toons, more than I like playing the game. So I just work with Cyndi. The rest are just creative outlet.”


Sometimes you gotta make your own fun!


“So very true.”


You should make a gnome that only talks and makes topics relating to poop. I feel like a lot of the poop quests in WoW come from those dirty gnomes. :crazy_face:

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I’ve spent more time on the forums than in game… sometimes I log into the game and go on the forums and then time out of the game…


“I have one of every race, except two ARs.”

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So tell you have made atleast one poop joke with your gnome. :sweat_smile: :wink:

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“No. I have not.”

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