Human Hunters...a question of taste

Would you make a Human hunter? I’m trapped between:

  • They shoot their bows correctly and they are great for farming rep
  • Why waste a human - who looks money in all armor - on a class that wears Mail

I welcome all opinions, snarky or deadly serious.

We are still a generation of Night Elf Hunters because of the large influence by LotR’s Legolas.

Shadowmeld has saved my life COUNTLESS times in random bgs.


I’ll be honest…that’s a compelling answer. But I hate that sidebow crap.

It’s fun to whack Human Males Hunters with rubber chickens :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :chicken:

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Hate the sidebow all you want and you’ll only be left hating that you can’t front flip like the cool kids :stuck_out_tongue: !


Well my current 60 Hunter is Worgen so he does front flip…

Still that damn sidebow though

Okay, you can still be a cool kid if you choose a toon that can front flip!


By “sidebow” do you mean the stance while taking aim?

Yeah, Worgen, Nelf, and iirc the High Elves have a funky stance, too

I like the Nelf stance. It looks super duper streamlined and masterful!

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Do what I do and level a hunter for each race you like, lol. I’ve got 4 now, soon to be 5. Shadowmeld has been more useful than Diplomacy overall, but it’s still a nice trait. When I mained a human in Legion I couldn’t believe how impactful it was. So if night elves are not your thing because of their bow pose, Diplomacy is worth it.


For me the OG hunter races still make the best hunters. I don’t know why I’d roll a human hunter when I can roll a dwarf or dark iron hunter.


I have a Merida with a bear pet named Elinor (her mom) :rofl:

It’s super cringe when ppl make belf hunters named Legolas with special characters.

Honestly, the Character Creation screen for Dwarf Hunters makes them look so insanely badass.

Rep you get in time.

The cc breaking racial doesn’t break all cc’s so…you may end up using THE breaker trinket anyway.

And to me the night elf bow animation is better. SOme bias there as fresh off a scout spring break camp the night elf is the most used way to fire a bow. Good enough for a friend/other scout dad to drop many point bucks with a bow…good enough to get those scouts their archery badge.

Having said that…I do have a human hunter. But she shoots rifles. and she is really just RP based. Here name is Tixij. Non MSG5 fluff geeks may know her other codename. Quiet. And yes she skimps the armour. No chest mog with a certain types of pants lol.

I personally think hunters and druids suit the best on night elfs because of you know, nature. But that is just my opinion.

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Can a human hunter stealth indefinitely?

Can an orc hunter stealth indefinitely?

Process of elimination.

YES! I might have 13 hunters…


Yeah I mean Shadowmeld is great. but don’t you need a cat to join you?