Human Hunters...a question of taste


Plus, animals are just bullets for my Nelf Hunter’s group for haste anyway.

I’m not sure I follow. What?

She’s a Marksmanship Hunter.

I use a macro that abandon pets once I use Ancient Hysteria to reduce downtime instead of casting “Dismiss Pet”.


Making a human as a hunter doesn’t feel correct as there are so many races using the theme better with unique groups or weapons (such as a laser rife to mechagnomes).

Perhaps there’s an outfit using a theme of the Order of Embers?

Depends on the circumstances. As a horde player, I have a human hunter on the occasions I need something rep related over there.

In TBC classic I wont let my belf hunter (toon I’m posting on) anywhere without a savory deviate delight. Can’t stand the belf bow animations, human looks so nice.

Why? They’re playing what they like and having fun, the special characters are probably required because so many people like it that any name close to Legolas is taken.

Why make a human when you could make a mechagnome! Humans are like a dime a dozen

:blue_square: :white_square_button: :blue_square: :white_square_button: :blue_square: :white_square_button:

I want a mechagnome so bad! Still haven’t unlocked them…

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You’re missing out on that juicy STAT increase. :wink:


we arguably look the best in mail, for starters
plus if you pvp you get to run relentless

All armour unfortunately fits humans perfectly, like every set of armour was designed specially to fit a human in it and then every other race just gets a bad PC port version.

I’m pretty sure humans would fit other races heritage armour better than they do.

so are belfs, :bow_and_arrow:

Yeah well…I do have a mecha hunter. He’s just sitting in the pile of alts lol

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean::dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

its so true mail armour sucks!

I like my mail armor… as a Panda. Epicurean is epic. Period. Yum, yum, yum, yum,… burp! Oops…

Smeld is absolutely busted. That said, I don’t play female characters and male nelf proportions are comically bad, so that’s off the table. Dwarf would be my top pick out of alliance races.

you don’t like having a small child’s waistline while also having a linebacker’s shoulder width?
absolute madness

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I won’t be any help here, I have multiple hunters, most of which have a theme.
Human hunter- Based on my dad who died in 2001, mostly tames wolves and cats like past pets we’ve had, plus animals he used to hunt.
Male Draenei- this is my oldest hunter, he tames whatever the hell he wants.
Male DiD- Tames fire type pets
Female Nelf- Based on my 7 year old daughter who loves cats, so she tames only cats and is the Crazy Cat Lady.
Male KT- Named Macdonald, only tames farm type animals, mostly pigs and hangs out in Pandaria, mostly at the farm.
Male worgen- Only tames wolves and dogs
Male mechagnome- Only tames mech pets
Male undead- Only tames boney, dead looking or ghostly creatures
Male Belf- Only tames creepy or weird looking things
Male MH orc- Only tames wolves and dogs
Male Z troll- Only tames dinosaurs

That’s it…for now…I love hunters, clearly. I don’t mind most of their stances, and most of them use bows, although one uses a crossbow and a couple use guns. /shrug