How exactly did they as kings defeat the legion or scourge? was it them or champions that defeated them. However we can lay the “peace” they keep making with the horde at the kings feet as that was Specifically their decision.
They don’t get to claim anything regarding other world ending threats unless they were the ones to defeat that evil. The only one i might give you would be Icecrown as atleast Varian was present.
They didn’t save any lives with their decisions as kings only put more people in harms way. Leading the Alliance into a trap at broken shore, trusting sylvanas to have the alliance back, Leading alliance into a deathtrap in Lordearon all their decisions.
Hell its when other actively go against their orders do things work out, Like Genn stopping sylvanas in Stormheim or Tyrande/genn fighting the Horde out of darkshore. Anyhting they plan like drazalor invasion does stuff go wrong.
How exactly is Varian responsible for Garrosh getting a super weapon? Or that Azerite was suddenly popping up in Silithus thus forcing Anduin/the rest of the Alliance to make a choice about preventing a potential super weapon getting in the hands of The Horde?
Because we would have all been much more capable of defeating the Iron Horde and ultimately the Legion had we not had peace?
In Varian’s case the peace we got after SoO ultimately allows both factions to rally, quickly defeat the Iron Horde and ultimately lead to events of the Legion invasion.
Similarly, Anduin’s treaty allows us to focus on N’zoth, reduce the number of souls the Jailer gets and has lead to our current era of peace.
Gallywix is a dystopian capitalist by the book. That is why people play goblins. Being insane and greedy for money. Gazlowe is a communist who funds worker unions and leads labor strikes. That is not goblin like at all.
And she wants power. It was always in her schemes to get rid of the bloodhoof tribe. Killing Cairne was just the first step. As long as Baine lives her ascend can’t happen because Tauren like Dezco and Hamuul would oppose her.
That was before she was reunited with the other half of her soul. Now she is a full person again and can care beyond stuff apart from herself and Nathanos. I crave to see them united again because it was the only Windrunner relationship that was interesting despite exploiting the lotr inspiration of elf x human.
Actually he has his ambitions high. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wants to become the trade king of the entire trade coalition at one point.
You know what, I liked it. I would have liked it more if there was more about the different human kingdoms but the heritage quest was simple and fun. The ending that was added was a good piece of flavor texts and I hope it leads somewhere in the future.
The answer to your question is that the first part is completely false. If Anduin was an absolute monarch, Stormwind should have collapsed with all the time he spent abroad and there was no regency in place. The Council of Nobles remains a very strong factor in Stormwind’s government.