See porter’s thread
Verbatim what was suggested as critique after the quest ended with Centrist Soup Kitchen nonsense
You’re welcome
See porter’s thread
Verbatim what was suggested as critique after the quest ended with Centrist Soup Kitchen nonsense
You’re welcome
It all had me at first - but as I read on I see the potential. I’m not a fan of seeing the Defias seemingly being thrown to the side as an exclusively villian group rather than Vanessa trying to take out the more criminal elements and reform it back to these current (and I guess also former) ideals but I’ll take what I can get.
Regardless, if she’s going to be in the shadows waiting for the Nobles to send their Pinkertons in, then it should be a militant Defias like organization waiting to meet them rather than just her.
Since Anduin is an absoloute monarch shouldn’t he be able to just disband the House of nobles and get rid of the worst parts of feudalism?
he cant get rid of the nobles, the same way kings couldnt get rid of nobility in the midle ages.
Here’s the wowhead article on it.
Honestly I hope this is seeds for a further escalation. Like, Anduin comes back, supports the House of the People, resulting in the House of Nobles just trying to outright trying to depose him, and hopefully this ends with him dissolving the House of Nobles and monarchy and leaving the House of the People as the governing body of Stormwind. A bit of a pipe dream, but a girl can dream can’t she?
Wait, are you suggesting some internal conflict in the Alliance based on the contradictions inherent to their political way of life?
For God’s sake, Blizzard, please. I may even play Alliance again if you give them some damned nuance and depth.
I love this Zellishian! Finally Anduin’s good boy personality being put to some actual narrative use!
I really appreciate that Blizzard is adding these little updates to the old world. I love these and hope we get many more of them.
For this specific case, I’m hoping for more Defias and House of Nobles political shenanigans now. The Defias are the setting’s iconic bandit enemy, and I’m glad that they can stick around as antagonists, but I hoped Vanessa would stay a member so that there’s a fuzzy unknown area between ‘the good ex-Stonemasons’ and ‘the evil bandits’ rather than cleanly separating the two. (Though for player questing purposes, I think the PC should only have to fight known evil members, while any questionable cases are made optional and thus left up to player choice.)
And I like that they’re trying to get more House of Nobles named characters out there in the world so that they’re more than a vague group in the background of the setting. I’d like to see more of them out in the world so that the NPCs/family names get a history behind them before fun political shenanigan quests. Like the noble taken down in the heritage quest would have been 10x as fun to fight if he’d been an annoying and shady character that the player had encountered several times - As it is, I can’t remember their family name off the top of my head. The best time to start seeding those long plots is now, after all!
I couldn’t agree more!
Am I being too optimistic for hoping this is the first step toward an old world revamp??
Nah, keep the monarchy but have a parliament style government as well representing the people of stormwind and also keep the nobles.
Not every government in Azeroth needs to turn into a democracy.
Interesting development. I like that they are going back to the roots of the wronged of westfall as the defias were originally a stonemason guild(I know the breadbasket guild is not solely former defia but rather the general populace of westfall etc), however, they’re also evolving on the classical guild structure here by not having it be tied to a specific area of work and instead have it focus on the actual people of Westfall. And not only that, but it seems that they will allow anyone in the guild to vote instead of just the masters as it is traditionally done in a guild, giving it a more democratic twist.
I really like them trying to force a change by uniting together to stop them from being wronged, and using a system familiar to them for it that they’ve further adapted to work for them. And by doing so creating a flavor of democracy that the humans of the Alliance really don’t have a history or tradition of, but still feel distinct imo.
Instead of a bloody communist revolution they are going with democratic socialism. As a democratic socialist myself, I like this route.
To the people who think this left wing ideology is “centrist” read a book.
Democratic socialism is a left-wing political philosophy that supports political democracy and some form of a socially owned economy, with a particular emphasis on economic democracy, workplace democracy, and workers’ self-management within a market socialist economy or an alternative form of a decentralised planned socialist economy.
I mean it’s WoW so I’m sure they could get democratic socialism to work since WoW got freaking meritocracy to work somehow (through the Gnomes) so safe to say at this point every political system is deemed viable
In a RL context though democratic socialism would soon translate into Cecilia asking the farmers not to complain too hard about being denied basic rights so as to avoid the House of Nobles denying them even more basic rights LMAO
True, but the alternative is communism and that’s too anti-American for a capitalist American company currently trying to union bust its workers.
So this confirms that Westfall has the most fertile farmland. I can use this in any argument next time I will explain that the Horde has crap land.
I loved that it’s collectively owned and the people of Westfall effectively turned Westfall into a commune which is the precursor of a communist state. By taking the means of production and democratizing it and agreeing to create a coalition style government of the farms and labor production. They’ve effectively turned Westfall into a social democracy and are demanding a people’s house in Stormwind. That’s what the House of Commons is in Britain and the Congress in the USA. A place for commoners to have a say, and ideally control of the state. I guess cutting the heads of nobles is still in the future (joking!)
Not if I have anything to say about it. If all else fails, I got a submersible tin can with their name on it.
Nothing like the popping sounds of the elite! Good idea, let’s give them a one-way ticket to the bottom of Azeroth’s oceans.
I know a shaman who has the hookup with Neptulon. Won’t even have to go that deep.