Human Heritage updated with democracy

The more i read this thread the more i’m convinced that anduin and varian were terrible kings



Claude, get the guillotine…

Absolutely. Remember Blizzard disney-fied monarchies in WoW. Its missing a lot of the ugly baggage that comes with a classist societies. There can be no real equality as long as one class has more legal privilege than another.

Edit: i should add that there’s also a ugly racist side to the Alliance that gets ignored or downplayed all the time that’s extremely similar to the European empires during the height of colonialism.


See on one hand I don’t exactly disagree, but on the other hand I really like Anduin as he is now, I’m a sucker for those especially Good types, and just want to see people shut up about him as the leader of the Alliance and Stormwind. Plus he’s the leader of the Alliance and people have been begging for the morality and death counts of the two factions to be leveled, and I’d loathe to see him killed off or Villain batted.

How that supposed to work? You just take all money from rich and eat them?


You can’t let the poors eat the rich. Once they get a taste for rich meats, there’s little stopping them from going after royalty, the most tender of meats.


The orcs work in a commune system which is a precursor to a communist state similarly to the trolls and tauren. The clans/tribes work in collective fashion to procure pork for orcs, water for tauren and fish for trolls. Each faction has deference not to the one with the most money, but to their elders/most equipped to handle the needs of them all.

They’re basically communists by action. Since orcs, trolls and Tauren tend to lean into egalitarian principles when they don’t have any outside force influencing their actions. Shamanism curves the selfishness off most of these races and for Tauren the added druidism also encourages an ideal of living for the Earth Mother. Of all these races Tauren are the most commune focused and the orcs and trolls following by example.


My Forsaken priest drools at the prospect.


My Forsaken priest wants just a good looking robe so I hope the heritage set gets the full cover option added too.

why did I read this in a cockney accent like you are in the stage production of the Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.

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There is next to zero chances that they will Villain bat Anduin. If anything, it is more likely they will give him a Return of the King style vibe if they ever go ahead and villain bat Turaylon.

Both Anduin and Varian held the kingdom together and tried to right as many wrongs as they could. Were they perfect? No, but I don’t doubt for a moment they tried their best and ultimately kept Stormwind safe.

What? We have the entirety of Starcraft dedicated to painting the old rich families of Tarsonis as inept and corrupt and Megnsk, a self styled emperor as a cruel despot that needed to die.

Noblesse Oblige, I’d like to think the fantasy here is that our leaders actually CARE about us. That the greatest failings of any type of government, including democratic ones, is when our leaders do not care and only spend lavishly on themselves.

Varian and Anduin have generally been considered generous and live humble lives. Varian in particular having a very spartan room in Stormwind.

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Funny how during their tenure the Alliance lost 2 of its cities. Hell the last 3 generations of Wrynn have each seen a city destroyed during their rule and all from the Horde which they ironically keep letting off the hook.

All that loss of life is on them well atleast the 2nd and 3rd time. When will the wrynns learn the lesson.


Anduin and Varian threatened the Horde and had the chance to end them each time the fighting was over. They should be at peak popularity with the common people. Also realizing Saurfang still didn’t get his own statue in Orgrimmar similar to the veterans of the second war in Stormwind. Big missed opportunity.

Each time they didn’t end the horde another Alliance city was destroyed and thousands of common folk were killed. Threats are pointless unless they are going to see them through.

The only thing they protected was their own moral purity by not ending the Horde. which should be seen as weak by the people.


Blizzard will never just delete a playable faction. That is just how the game is build.

This. No matter how much we might scream for [Insert Faction] to be destroyed, if it is playable it is never going away. Bar none.

Edit: Nor should they. The Alliance should not be destroyed and dissolved, and neither should the Horde.


Well duh, but doesn’t mean every time a conflict has to end with another wrynn pardoning the horde for those dastardly deeds again and coming to peace. We need the conflict to continue and for the two sides to come to blows again straight after. This peacenik content is killing the game.


For as long as all our leaders are boring peace mongers this should not happen. We can talk about it once Magatha, Sylvanas and Gallywix take leadership for their races again.

You want to play this game of causality? Fine. How many world ending bosses did the Alliance live though during there reigns? Hell, thanks to their rule, the Legion, one of the greatest threats to the universe and the Jailer are dead/defeated. All the old gods are defeated as well.

IF you get to blame that on tjem then all those lives saved because we vanquished universe ending foes belong to them.

A bit off topic of Humans …. but I think Magatha might be the only one of the 3 who might slightly possibly maybe have a smidge of a care of Azeroth or any of its people. For all her evil actions, she worked with the Champions of Azeroth - specifically Shaman - during Legion, because she values the Grimtotem Tribe and Tauren lands, at least in a vague sense. So far, she has not thrown her lot with the Primalists, though a member of her tribe has.

Gallywix is fun and all but now that he is out, he can stay out. Gazlowe is boring in comparison, no doubt, but he seems competent and to have some care for the lives of other Goblins.

Sylvanas said the Horde was nothing and even cast off the Forsaken and the Loyalists and basically all the souls in the cosmos to the plans of some self styled death god. She is a fun character, like Gallywix, but also like him, BfA ruined any credibility they have as leaders in the Horde.

Gallywix did what he did for profit and for his own good time. Sylvanas did it because she wasn’t all together and had to gather herself. Both are fun characters, don’t get me wrong. Magatha is pretty vile and evil herself, but at least she still has the pretense and veneer of doing her misdeeds because she cares about her tribe, the Tauren people, and their land.

Magatha really ground my gears for a long time. I wanted to kill her for what she did to Cairne! But her little moment in Legion was great. The way she mocks the shaman player because we can’t make portals is funny.

I wouldn’t be too keen on any of them being a leader in the Horde. Let Gallywix be some player in the narrative that pays us for detestable missions that the Factions don’t want involvement in. Let Sylvanas be a penitent Maw Ranger for a while to at least show she can keep her word going forward. Magatha already interfered in a Makgora - better she stay away from the Horde in general, before she gets a hard villain bat.