Human Heritage Armor

Did I say people who think their opinions are fact are delulu? Yes.
Did I say, “You seem to think your opinion is a fact and you are delulu”? No.
Did you get snippy when you thought it was about you? Yes.

Does this mean you believe your opinions to be facts? Cause if the answer is YES, you are delulu. If your answer is NO, then you need to stop adding your context to something as simple as

Note the use of the word, ANYONE. Now, this one is aimed right at you. Read what is written, and stop assuming people are just here for a fight.

I wonder why I would assume you would be out for a fight, Dracarian.

Because you are now officially delulu. Have a great night. I do not give a rip about you, this lame topic, your little hopes n dreams that some CM will dash in and save the day with an “OMG, You’re right! We will change it now! We are SOOOO sorry.”

So feel free to say whatever you like moving forward. I am muting this thread and will no longer bump this thread for any reason. Later gator.

Surely not out for a fight.

i like it.

No, it was the WoD garrison set. You can even buy a shield and tabard from the same vendor.

I think 7th Legionnaire is BFA, from Warfronts.

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7th Legion is from BFA’s Warfronts

The Garrison one is the Stormwind Soldier set, or Ogrimmar’s, Alliance also gets a shield and i think Horde gets an axe, but im not sure.