Human Heritage Armor

I was wondering what people though of this set.

I personally feel… conflicted, mainly with how some of the colors were handled between the pieces.

Most notably the shoulders and belt, which have a gold outline, while the gloves, boots and helm dont, instead having the silver outline.

Idk theres just something about the colors that dont click that well with me, almost like two color palates slapped together.

Am i just overthinking it?

I mean, all of those colors exist in Stormwind. Also, at the end of the day, how many people are actually using their Heritage mogs other than maybe the HMT, Vulpera, and Mechagnomes?

You could not pay me.

Tauren, Nelf, Velf, Troll, and Mag’har have the best heritage sets.

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I really like it… it’s all about personal taste. I don’t think I had even noticed those details you mentioned.


I use the undead heritage on my mage all the time, it’s a great set.


I see more elves using their heritage armor sets than I see vulpera in their armor. And mechagnomes are just not played…

The Void elf set is super popular, especially the chest with the wings.


Isn’t it blue and gold?

it has 3 recolors. blue, red, and grey.

I’m using the red version right now

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Cool then it is already better than the orc set but still not as cool as the BE set imo.

I love the design. But I do which the red one had been red and white rather than red and gold. So I could rep Stromgarde.


I think the different outlines are fine. If you use an image editor to change the colors, you’ll see that the sets will look like Power Rangers otherwise.

The shading on the lower half the robes could have been handled better, with maybe some more embroidery here and there. They look a little bland. The helmets are overly large.

I give it a C-. Needs work.

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Personally, i think it looks like Dookey. The alliance armorset from BFA would have been a great setup imho to reference from.

Glad im not a hoomie right now

what’s with the red? caster looks horrible lmao
the best heritage is undead no contest

It’s optional. We got robe versions of each, which have actually been iterated upon since that original image. We also have those choices of helmets, and choices of belts.

:wave: :wave: love the set.

I thought the 7th Legionairre armor was the heritage.

well, I’m glad we all just have opinions here and that everyone is definitely entitled to theirs. If anyone assumes their opinion is a fact to anyone other than themselves, I would definitely count them as deLulu and they need some meds.

All the heritage armors pale in comparison to the lot Earthen got.

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Objective fact is truth.
Personal turth is either agreeing with truth, opinion masquerading as truth, or delusion.

Self lies are devastating to the mind. Avoid them at all costs. That way lies insanity.