Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

I set a goal of what I feel comfortable with my gear lvl…but Here’s the trick I dabble in a little bit of everything…I just don’t focus on one thing…I do the storyline,then I do dungeons…I don raids.normal and heroic…even though I hate mythic+ I attempt to do the complete 4 mythic dungeon quest…I even step into pvp even tho I have no idea what I’m doing…look your paying for this game…you might as well…play it the way you want. and make it feel good for you…(PANDAS CAN NOW BE MAGES)…so now I’m going to make a panda arcane mage do the fishing and cooking profession and have a blast doing it…my ilvl goal. 430…we will see if I can get that high…

Wait, it’s being -removed-? I thought they were just making master loot an option for the guilds that kept whining for it.

I feel like horizontal progression is what the game needs from a casual perspective. I don’t want to raid the people are jerks. Pvp is joke. The other day I saw some dude solo like 6 people while jumping. Give us something to actually do. Since they’re ripping off Guild Wars maybe we should adopt more horizontal progression from them. Just saying if there’s nothing to do and I feel like I’m being punshed I’m going to unsubscribe. And how in the hell do you make sub money then?

To start remove gear from unrated pvp. Second give us something meaningful to do in this world you created outside of rare camping and puzzles.

Learn from your mistakes.

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You should take your own advice.

You refuse to raid because some people are “jerks”.
You refuse to PvP because they earned better gear than you.

Unsubscribing doesn’t make the game better. You didn’t listen to that person who left.

Like it or not they’re a business first and foremost and making people feel like they should stop giving them money is ludicrously stupid.


You should “learn from your mistakes” and unsubscribe yourself. I think the game is headed in the right direction.

That’s not true. I do pvp. It sucks because of people with better gear. I can’t enjoy pvp when I die in two seconds.


They earned it by PvPing. You are not gated from being able to earn it too.

The gearing being good doesn’t make something a pillar. The devs do, and they’ve never included world content when they’ve discussed it.

It’s not though. It’s be like them saying they can’t get married, even though the clearly have the option to.

There are a ton of factors that influence the popularity then vs now. SL offered more cosmetics, minigames, and better gear and is still considered by everyone to be way worse.

Except they generally accept that they’ll have to do them for whatever power the rep grind gives. And all the ones I know are active in farming the cosmetics and mounts too.


It’s very discouraging when you’re trying to interact with a system when it’s pushing you away. It’s not rocket science that better gear trumps all, but how can I the player earn better gear or enjoy it enough to work for better gear when I’m getting tossed aside?

It’s literally a negative feedback loop. You get into a game and if most of the people are fresh 60s or undergeared you just lose. So you say “what is the point in this ?” and stop doing it.

All I’m saying is as a newer player pvp is unwelcoming and unfun and if I choose to abandon it because of overgeared people who should be in ranked and not tearing up unranked then what do I do?

Slowly inch honor points losing all the way and getting next to nothing for it?

It’s not fun, but it’s more fun than fighting a boss for 10 minutes.

You can nitpick my post and insult me all you want, but it’s how I feel about it.


This is only true to a degree. Better skill can make up for lower gear. This is true in PvP and PvE. Obviously if 2 people are evenly skilled, gear will determine the winner, but skill is also a major factor.

Just like how everyone else did. Grind, take the Ls if you are joining late, and work your way up.

Progression is slow in all areas. Would you rather them have a vendor where you can just pick your load out? How is that fair for PvE players who have to grind for months to get their best load out? Blizzard has to do their best to balance progression so PvP, Raid, and M+ get geared relatively the same. That’s one of the reasons they are adjusting how M+ gear is being progressed next expansion.

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Yes, titan-forging was such a legitimate endgame.

Even with equal gear you’d still die in 2 seconds in PvP if you misplayed.

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I’m done with borrowed power systems.

Not going to play this borrowed flight goblin glider thing they have hyped to the sky (its just goblin gliders, they’ve fooled so many)

Not going to go through ANOTHER borrowed power gear system, having to fork over 50 billion gold to xXPwnsUXx to make a ring that will be irrelivant in 3 months aint it chief.

Thank whatever powers that be the taint of [Redacted Elitist jerk name here] and his D- writing team can’t poison classic wow. I can buy a book that lets my alts fly BEFORE they even set foot in Northrend.

Devs, please learn from the betters that came before you, before its too late!

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Well templates or ilevel brackets would both solve that problem, but it seems like those ideas aren’t that exciting for most PvPers.

Oh look, another thread where “open world players” are using a million different weasel words to try and communicate that they want the best gear in the game for doing the easiest possible content, without outright saying it.

What a shock.


Wouldn’t ilvl brackets just cause longer queue times by dividing the population? I can also imagine players “twinking” to be at the top of certain brackets so it wouldn’t change all that much.

It’s just ignorant game design. Even leveling the honor ranks takes ungodly amounts of times to the point that I don’t feel like progressing at all.

Take like Call of Duty. In that game you have your level and your gun level. You play the game win, lose or draw the bar goes up you can see it. Same with your gun you use it and it levels. When I contrast that to Wow if I win a game if I’m lucky and the stars aline I don’t feel like I’m progressing unless I track my honor level and even when I did that it barely moves when I win. Isn’t there hundreds of honor levels? Jesus that is gonna take a century and then you quit because it’s not progressing at a reasonable human rate.
Maybe I’ve played too many grindy games but I can see the treadmill.

I want to pvp with my friend, but now I have to wait till Dragonflight comes out and poop sock it to be competitive because the developer’s are too stupid to see why it’s not fun to lose 90% of the games you join because of overgeared people.


Sure but a longer queue sounds more fun than getting gy camped every other match and it still allows you to get to enjoy your PvP gear progression.

Id rather get camped for the handful of games required to get an honor set. PvP gearing has been so easy since they nerfed the upgrade costs.

Dude, not even 10 posts above yours :

Come on. The gaslighting is on another level.

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