Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

Why not make all gear cosmetic ? That way raiding wont be based on ilevel it will be based on skill.


I don’t imagine people who can’t get gear from flex will be killing mythic encounters regardless of ilev.

No. Shadowlands is not a haven for casuals. You legit insulted someone earlier in this forum for not grinding enough, telling them to quit.

The whole game is a battle pass.

FF14 is way more respectful for time/effort put in. WoW, is not.


I mean, it has most of the stuff casual players pretended to want.

Outside of cosmetics there’s really quite little grinding.

You don’t speak for casuals. Never did.

Your achievement point count shows you basically live here.

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I wish more people would read your post. But they’re just going to glaze over it and keep harping their own points over and over because they’re not using logic, they just want. It’s a neural parasite at this point, the greed for welfare gear.


It’s what it always boils down to.

Casual players wanted their game to be good. They got arbitrary grinds artificially fabricated and prolonged to guise the fact that there was nothing substantial to do.

No matter how many times people act like Shadowlands is what casual players wanted, it will continue to be wrong.


I mean, there’s raids, pvp, keys…

Yes, I am aware that you and the many other people in this thread think raiding and pvp and M+ existing is an excuse to let the rest of the game rot away.


Lol, missing the point of playing video games entirely.

Greed, for what, fun? Or is it a sad acknowledgement that this game is far too much work than it’s worth?


I’m not bullying anyone. You clearly aren’t happy playing the game because you spend money to troll the forums instead of play the game.

If you don’t enjoy the game then find another game

Nothing is rotting.

It’s just that world quests are unfortunately not difficult enough to warrant giving mythic raid gear. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

You’re lying.

No one should take your seriously.


If the world quests and world content was fun we wouldn’t even be having this discussion.

But Blizzard wants to force everyone on the loot treadmill with the raid or die mentality so this is the result. Point the finger at Blizzard, not players.


The fun factor doesn’t even matter because no matter how many minigames they add people won’t be happy because they don’t spit out good gear, nor should they. :smile:

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That’s not an insult and he’s not a casual. He would actually have to play the game to be a casual.

Dude legitimately pays a sub to troll the forums.

WoW has catered to solo players all expansion and it hasn’t worked.

If people are so unhappy they should find another game instead of demanding a game cater to them.

I was going to make a silly joke but honestly I just don’t care. I don’t even have DF and I probably won’t be getting it anytime soon. I’ll let you lovely people play and have fun for a few weeks/months and maybe then it might be worth a look.

I’m not. Sorry you continue making up things because you lack an actual argument.

No one should take anyone who doesn’t even play the game seriously.

It’s so weird to have people pop into the game and demanding change to stuff that has always been fine.