Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

The grind in SL was pretty extreme though.

The honor needed to improve honor and conquest gear was absurd.


BlizZard can’t have it both ways.

Entry level gear has to be easy and quick to obtain.

If it takes a long time to obtain then it must be more powerful gear. They tried that with the PVP honor ranking system for honor gear and it flopped.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Only at high ranks, which most people lack the ability to reach.

Gearing isn’t the only thing outdoor people are doing. People who do outdoor do all the side stuff in the game too, like secrets, treasures, pet battles, older content. Gearing taking months will just be boring.


It was very common on multiple of my toons to get conquest gear and not even have the honor to upgrade them.

Would have to stop threes Que sessions so I could go farm honor.

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Yeah, it was annoying late season, but the early upgrades were cheap. :dracthyr_love_animated:

So blizzard offers more of a progression system that is time based which is what the loud minority of solo players claimed they wanted. And not surprisingly it’s not good enough because it was never about a progression system but the ilvl of the gear.

I was also pushing up to 1800 in blues and hit that gear wall :joy:

It’s very comical playing jungle and watching a ret/warrior not able to kill in a feral in blues in sl season 2

Yeah, it’s always just “give good gear for doing easy thing”.

Definitely unfun. My healer is around for so little that we’ll get like 5-15 games in then just chill so the casual format is honestly for me as my timeline is a little longer.

Like, queue for a half hour, then putter around in random bgs for another half hour and I’m good for the day.

No they didn’t add this progession system. They’ve been doing progression systems in outdoor content for a while now. And they hit the right spot with ZM. Now they don’t want that being weeks for some reason (unless this is just some weird beta tuning), they want it to take months. Which isn’t gonna string anyone along to staying with the game. They’ll just go play something more fruitful.

It doesn’t make sense to change things from ZM when that was widely popular without many complaints.


If LFR ilevel is enough to face roll world mobs, I don’t see the problem.

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Difficult doesnt equate impossible or un-enjoyable.

What sucks is casual battlegrounds are the most fun, and most accessible, and yet, the tryhards will just go in and demolish everyone with gear those people cannot obtain, because people like me just won’t touch arenas.

Classic is great because you can pretty much get those conquest pieces, it’ll just take longer. No gear is gated off from casual players like myself.

Now, in retail, you are locked out unless you engage with sweaties. Folks with addons that auto-kick, people who spent gold right away to get their best legendaries, nasty stuff.

Casual battlegrounds is ALL I really do in this game, and that avenue of enjoyment has been destroyed, so now I gotta find another game to play, or at the very least I’m enjoying battlegrounds (and WG) on Classic.

Rating requirement gear shouldn’t give an advantage over casual gear, IN A CASUAL SETTING. Why to tryhards get do dumpster new players, with no chances of counterplay? They aren’t even relying on skill- they are using the clear advantage of having better gear and like 10x the health and damage of their peers.

It reeks of bad design. What other PvP games do this? MMO PvP is unique, but retail WoW has the WORST version of it. Vanilla, TBC, Wrath PvP was miles better than this crap, because everyone had a chance. Even Legion had templates, which, again, gave people with crap gear a chance to win. It was great! So it had to be removed.

You might as well let lvl 60’s queue into the 10-50 brackets for PvP, because that’s exactly how it feels. No damn chance at all. That’s not a skill issue, either. Not in P2W WoW, where you can literally buy iLvLs.


I can pop into an epic battleground and not see a single person above 1400-1600 rating.

Except for the rating requirements…

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I don’t think it’s as black and white as you make it out to be.

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You should go post that on the Wrath classic forums lol.


Those players SHOULD be rewarded with cosmetics, not the game becoming “hurr-hurr gladiator ez-stomp noobs” time.

Rating requirements need to go ahead and die.

But nah, let’s keep things the way they are! We can pretend skill is a thing, but realistically folks will just buy boosts to get that rated gear, and the game becomes even more Pay-To-Win.



It was around when the game was at its peak in wotlk, soo…

These aren’t very common. :smile:

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Yeah, but I was still able to get those pieces? And I didn’t do arena, soo…

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If you can’t get 1800 you don’t deserve the same gear as someone who can.

If you can’t clear mythic you don’t deserve the same gear as someone who can.

If you can’t time a +20 you don’t deserve the same gear as someone who can.

When you remove the impetus for gear you end up with a game like GW2; kinda fun but ultimately unrewarding. Cosmetics have no value unless they are exclusive, and gear has no value unless it is impactful.