Huge class balance changes incoming feb 7th

There’s a reddit post that has logs of what people have played in RSS the past few weeks - feral was already low at like 11th, since they took us out back and gutted our cleave build, we’re down to 18th most played. We’re back to just being the poor man’s Affy/SP again

I am actually pretty annoyed. Why can they not just bring all healer inline with evokers instead of nerfing evokers and druids. I am already feeling pretty reluctant to heal high keys on druid now a nerf. When will they learn nerfs feel terrible but buffs feel great. Just buff the other healers, not a hard concept.


Hello, when will you people learn. It’s time to leave this game.

My Sub has already finished. I’m the first one to take the step onto the other side.
Can’t wait to finally get my life together and to stop using WoW as an Escape.


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bro its really not that deep play a diff game lmao theres literally millions to choose from


Eh 40% of nothing is still nothing lol.

Because evokers and rdruids are/was out of line. Healers in general are pound for pound the strongest specs in the entire game but just because the role feels bad to play the solution isnt to just buff them even more.

Because guess what happens then, thats right more specs get mortal strike debuffs and oopsie dampening starts even higher now right out the gate and uh oh burst damage needs to be increased or no one ever dies to sustain damage

Why would you look forward to more game imbalance.

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This game is actual trash. Locks need nerfs, ele needs nerfs. Warr needs nerfs.


dont nerf me bro

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I know we friends and all, and the messages are great BUT DOWN WITH YOU AND YOUR KIND!!!

Idk but ele/aff bunkering in the middle of the map melting everything in los with undispellable dots sounds hot.

Feral damage still insane, they just die to arms n assas which are prevalent atm.


idk, its more tilting to me to fight destro warlock than any other spec in the game, such a boring degen spec and its even more tilting now that they have ways to kill you outside of chaosbolt (but still including it also)

Affliction on its own is managable and a lot of specs have ways to deal with dots in some way. Affliction’s best strength has always been how it synergizes with other specs

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Cooked. Don’t count pet cleave. Insane damage would create pressure that secures kills and wins games.

Outside of 3s Feral’s “insane” damage is doing the complete opposite of that

Killing pets in a meta where AI zerg is how the top meta classes perform seems pretty viable.

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I feel like a Feral would know how much pressure a dead Hunter pet can create.

WW/Mage is Luminosity’s main comp by right

how i feel about every assa rogue


Oh no!


Good stuff.

Cant believe how many MS effects across multiple classes “werent communicating” the fact they were breaking the common sense of not stacking.

I wonder if anything dodged notice.

Wish they were as passionate about subtletys damage profile as they are about slam.