Huge class balance changes incoming feb 7th

These seem fair. Now I will wait for the nerf Slam posts….

I wish they would give Mistweavers like a longer enveloping mist. You could rack that thing up to 3 and use enveloping for a big HoT but it just falls off too fast. The ramp up to get there is hard to do in 3’s at times

Yea on my mistweaver I’ll be able to cocoon, Peaceweaver, and maybe cocoon again. And then hope we won the game by then before we die of rot.

Also using diffuse magic shouldn’t cause UA backlash

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Not really a nerf to shiv. The stacking ms for rogue only happens during deathmark so outside of that the healing reduction is the same. They probably should’ve directly nerfed the healing reduction of shiv, since it’s the most problematic part of the spec currently.


“We made the arms warrior entire toolkit center around mortal strike, and now mortal strike is most of their damage. We don’t like this.”

Wha? Make Slam viable then? Slam is terrible

Time to take a week off PvP while the entire game becomes demo/aff. Wizard meta is significantly the most boring meta in WoW history.

Absolutely baffling there’s no nerfs to pet in PvP. 100% fire-and-forget AI free damage that just trains you into the dirt while absorbing your aoe hits and removing any remote semblance of screen visibility.


no. will hit same as overpower now fully talented. maybe less with overpower buffs. you barely get an extra global to slam,ever. spamming overpower will be the go to now.

Oh man arms dmg moved around TIME TO FREAK OUT!!! :clown_face:

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WTB Enhance changes :sob:

Really seems like SS popularity is putting some focus on pvp, love the frequent tuning. Wish they would try smaller increments though


bro… why did psyfiend stack lol…

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They REALLY wanna make Slam a thing huh? How many talents and buffs are they gonna keep giving to that thing?

The Overpower buff… I think you all are gonna regret seeing that. I’m already seeing 60k/70k Overpowers on a pretty consistent basis.


they might as well just reduce it back to the 10HP it had before.

would love if they removed it and gave us MS on a different ability at a reduced %.

I would like void eruption to be insta cast base line, and instead of Driven to Madness, DP would reduce the cool down of it. I think that would be interesting.

I don’t understand it, mw doesn’t have problems with throughput at all, the clouded focus buff is nice (ill still take at no matter what build I play unless its in epic bgs), and of course the buffs are appreciated but I wasn’t struggling to keep people alive in that way, we need some actual redesign, not tuning, especially when it comes to pvp talents

they really need to make zen focus tea and chrysalis baseline, not sure what the implementation would look like to not affect pve without just giving ZFT a pve affect and adding “While in PvP combat yadayadayada” text to each tooltip, and I know they dislike that sort of thing

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What makes you think that

In arena there is something fundamentally wrong with how MW interacts - if you leave them alone I feel like they have some of the highest healing in the game, so you’re forced to either CC them or train them.

But once you connect and sit one for a bit, they’ll just flop and there’s not a lot they can do. If port is down, they can para/song or leg sweep, but then when the melee pain train gets back to them, it’s over. Increasing their already really solid healing isn’t the way - but I don’t play MW, it’s just anecdotal from my end when I see one every few days in SS.

Did someone say hunter buffs?

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seriously, this

Either im a garbage Feral or so many cats decided to either reroll or sit after .5 everyone has forgotten about them