Ladies and gentlemen, boys, girls and folks of our lovely Wyrmrest Accord forums, I come to you with wonderful news. Get ready. Are you ready? It’s kind of a hella long post. You’re ready? Okay. My beloved guild is recruiting!
After my little hiatus that I 10000% needed to take, I came back and looked through my roster. People hadn’t logged in for anywhere between 4-7 months. Our old leader had given up and moved on (though some alts are still in) and someone who was kind of a regular was promoted (though he hadn’t been on that character in at least 4 months). So you know what I did? I came to this realization that my friends and I should do our part in turning it around and getting it thriving. Sounds hella rad, right? Well hang on.
Here’s a sitrep:
21 members (some alts of folks I know, so probably 14 or 15 bodies).We have raiding experience. Kinda. While a few of us are new to it (myself included), some of us haven’t played WoW in years. As you can imagine, we’re all over the place. Because of this, I kind of wanted to start a learning guild for those who want to raid but aren’t really familiar with the mechanics or how best to run them.
Some of us can’t find the time to commit to raids and feel left out. Well, hopefully I can begin something here where people of all time zones can participate and be a part of a community where they want to be… where if they want to run something with the guild, they can. It will take some time, of course, but you’re a wonderful community. We could make it happen if we want to.
Wanna just run Mythics? I got you. When I stepped away a couple of months ago, I was at like 388. Oof, right? Right. Now, I’m a whopping 391. We are 10000% down with running Mythic+ and whathaveyou to upgrade our gear to get into those pesky raids, or just to improve ourselves.
PvP? We got you. I’m not superstar status at it, but I have the heart. All of us here at hug* have the heart to learn or teach things we’re not sure about.
What does this all boil down to? I am now in charge of hug* and am looking to bring it to life. I would like to see this succeed. I would like to see this grow. With your help, I can achieve this goal. I can bring people who have always wanted to do something but never could together so that they can. So that we’re not judged and/or ridiculed for not being Rank Platinumsilvevisa Mastercard at PvP or knowing that if you refuse to use the right bottle of Windex that the boss will wipe the raid.
“But Baitan. That’s cool and all, but I like to RP as well. Hug* is not really a name that just shouts roleplay to me.” My dear friend, that is what the asterisk is for. I am up for changing the name to finding something that fits all walks of life, and I could always use input on what I can do to improve and find a medium that we can agree on.
“But Baitan, there are already 90000000 guilds out there that do this. What makes hug* so special?” Super great question, People of Wyrmrest. There may be guilds out there looking to, or even succeeding greatly at absolutely everything that I mentioned. Heck, I could just be overly ambitious and this could blow up in my face. But you know what those guilds don’t have? Me. This is my first time in charge of a guild in the 10+ years that I’ve been playing. This is all super new to me. I’ve been dropping gold into the empty bank so repairs can be made without causing a hindrance to those that need them, and I’ve been trying to get the seven bank tabs relevant and filled with items that could help folks out with their journey to 120 or commitment to their professions.
In terms of Discord, it is indeed welcomed. It is not required. As I mentioned before, I have never done this before. I have fantastic friends within the guild that have been helping me get this guild off of the ground and actually turn it into something new. I am actually leveling an alt right now so that I can get the 500+ points in Inscription and unlock the heirlooms that you can get from the guild, but I am going to take some time to learn how to set up a server so that we can at least have one for the people that would use it.
Thank you all so so much for your time reading this, or even just stopping in to say hello. I’m a bit long winded at times and like I said, I’ve never done this before. If you are interested in joining our community and helping it rise from the ashes, please feel free to whisper any of us in game for an invite as we do not spam out invites to all current subscribers. Please have a phenomenal day.