HPriest LF EST Raiding group

Hiya! As the title says, I’m a holy priest that is in search of a new guild that raids on est time. I’m looking for an Active, drama free, guild that is also a group of fun loving adults. If you start raging after the first pull in a raid, I’m not interested. While I am hungry for progression, I prefer to spend my time with good people. I will never make the claim of being the best of healers, there’s always better, I do try to improve upon my skills. I’m super looking forward to the epic 11.1 h priest changes!
If you think I might mesh with your guild, feel free to contact me in game: Barbie#13744
Have the happiest of New Years! <3

HEy i added u on bnet I think we should chat could be a good fit! herwordskill#1655

Late Night Pain Train

Current Progression:
4/8 Mythic Nerub-ar Palace

Raid days and time:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 10pm to 12am EST.

What we are looking for?
Raiders that know their class, understand that standing in (Fire, acid, voids, spikes, DEATH HOLEs, ect…) is not conducive to staying alive. Folks that have a good attitude and a drive to progress!

We have been around since The Burning Crusade in 2007, Many Dragons have been punched and many long lasting friends have been made.
We have had the same raid schedule from the start, we value and respect our raiders time. So we only raid 2 hours a night, and expect our team to be logged in consumes in hand and ready to pull on time.
We have a lot fun with each other while keeping it above bar when it comes to discrimination. This guild has become more than just a group of friends playing a game and more of a family. Do we rib each other? Of course!
That being said we have minimal drama and this Train keeps on moving down the track.

We always accept outstanding players who fit the guild.

How to Join:

Whisper any of our officers in-game or slide into our DMs.

Jabini#1699 (GM)

Hi Celestine!
Sick Society has been raiding H/M on Area 52 since Cata. We have the same GM and some of the original officers. We took a break from Shadowlands until the end of Dragonflight, but now we are back and rebuilding the guild. We are AOTC focused now and are looking for players who want to kill things and have fun without all the stress that comes from progression raiding. We are AOTC focused guild and we are 8H. Our raid times are sun/mon 9pm est-1130. We also love to run M+ keys!
Our current needs are 1 healer, and any dps.
We also love to run M+ keys. If you are interested please add my btag barbiedoll#11882