AOTC 1/8H 8/8N LOU 8/8H H/A Found a Green Quest Team Rockets LFM S2 Wed/thur 8-1030pm est

We are a laid back social and casual community for adults who play when they can. We enjoy playing all aspects of the game and are here to help others on their journey in and out of Azeroth. We group up for leveling/ timewalking /heroic/mythic dungeons or old content farming for achievements/ transmogs /mounts/pets. While others enjoy solo play while just chatting. We are looking to bolster our ranks for Normal/Heroic/timewalking raids with goals of AOTC and Glory of Achievements every tier.
S2 and beyond First 4 to 5 bosses in mythic push

Raid days/times: New days and times
Team Rockets is 1/8H 8/8N LOU 8/8 Heroic AOTC S1 and rebuilding after team took break and looking to fill who will not be back after the break.
Heroic: Wed/thur 8pm - 1030pm EST
Team Rocket is looking for
Dps of any type,

If you have any questions, please let me know!

We’re listed in the guild and community finder in game or you can reach me, in game or on discord: Sugarconeyourfantasy / moddie6989
in game: Sugarcone-Zul’jin
Bnet Chris#12957

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to the top for more raiders

bumping AOTC Tonight GG Team Rockets

Bumping to the top looking for more

Bumping to the top looking for more

looking for dps and heals

bumping for more raiders

Tried friending, got blocked after sending the request. Kudos.

Bumping for dedicated players, heal and dps

looking for more to the top

Looking to solidify for s2
need select heal and some dps

Looking to solidify for s2
need select heal and some dpsLooking to solidify for s2
need select heal and exceptional dps

Looking to solidify for s2
need select heal and some dpsLooking to solidify for s2
need select heal and exceptional dps

bumping for s2 recruitment and beyond

Bumping to solidify for 2s and moving into mythic

Looking for more New raid days

Looking for more New raid days.

Bumping to solidify for 2s and moving into mythic

looking for solid dps

bumping for s2 aotc and mythic prog need heal and dps