Hpally nerfed


What? It’s a spec he has been known to play from time to time.

You get a good one? :dracthyr_love_animated:

two of them

im basic af and just named myself felryn ofc


i’m surprised so many people are willing to dox themselves. a lot of sketchy people out there.

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It’s…a Discord. That most of us use for this game. :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

yeah, and its also personal information.

or augmenter evoker nerfs

This so much lol. Blizzard couldn’t just make the nerfs pve specific, can’t have hpal being good, no sir.

Holy absolutely deserved to be nerfed in PVE.

Yeah but didn’t deserve what it got for pvp. 8% healing nerf in particular. Hpal couldn’t be a meta spec for more than 1 week without crybabies soiling themselves.

Enjoy your rsham/mw/rdruid/prevoker meta. Priests and hpal reroll or take a break

I knew this was a good week to take a break/not have time to play anyway and just get an MMR boost! My rsham shall continue its slow ascent to nowhere after reset.

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holy pally will be fine still S tier just not god tier lmfao

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Perhaps it’s because I just woke up but this segment reads weirdly to me.

Either way, I guess I’m not in the camp that the dot damage from those two in particular is overly oppressive. I don’t pretend to know how every single thing would influence every other thing though and if they wanted to tone that down in hopes of reigning in some of their overall damage, be my guest :man_shrugging:t2:. Maybe it’d be good, I don’t know. I feel like healers can pretty easily passively heal it though.

I’ll give my Rival take here, but I think high winds is by far the most oppressive feeling thing about Boomy right now. Getting cloned and having a fat healing reduction on top of dampening and whatever else feels absolutely awful.


Perhaps it should just not stack with already existing MS effects. Surely that’d help a lot.

u typed so much there homie

we all just care about whatever clever right. like mmhmm

That’s what they get for following the temporarily overpowered FOTM/W :rofl:

This is horrible, now they will go oom even after playing Plea.

Devs should just remove Divine Plea.

It’s also high winds in conjunction with how incredibly easy clones are to get off with Owlkin Frenzy and/or precog.