Hpal Needs More Damage Buttons

Just one more at least, maybe an aoe cd to use as filler for burst when everything else is on cd.

Consecrate is kinda doodoo damage.


We have divine toll.

That hits 5 targets.

Light of Dawn should do healing and damage, because its healing alone is kind of garbage and it would fit the Holy paladin theme well.

Heck, just combine Blinding Light into it and call it a day… deal with some of the ability/button bloat.

Light of Dawn (3 Holy Power / 0.6% base mana) - Unleashes a wave of Holy energy healing up to 5 injured allies within a 15 yard frontal cone for (120% of spell power), damaging enemies for (80% of spell power), and disorienting up to 5 enemies for 4 seconds.

Boom, might actually be useful now.


100% on board with this

Basically an aoe holy shock

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This would solve a lot of the issues tbh.

If they don’t want us spending HP to both heal and damage, I wouldn’t fight against a slight nerf to the healing (despite it being terrible in everything but raids but I suppose they could do the Atonement thing and make it work different in raids and dungeons), so that it could actually heal.

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What’s wrong with SotR? One of Holy Shock, Judgment, and Crusader Strike is always ready, no? Though I do agree that Light of Dawn is a complete waste of a keybind and could use some attention.

Couple of things for me personally.

  • As a spender it’s underwhelming for the Holy spec. Yes i know they want you to choose between damage and healing but if I have to make the choice the damage should be good.
  • It locks us into requiring a shield, despite our loot table including 2h int weapons. We can’t even choose to ignore it because the reduction on the CS cooldown is necessary for consistent HP generation.

But why do we have to choose though, no other class has that dps or healing chose like we do… Its so annoying.

Shaman get the best healing and dps, same with mw and disc in m+


Holy paladins should be able to do 700k at 618 ish ilvl range, DPS without spending divine toll or wings, assuming we aren’t using GCDs to heal.

Might be a hot take but Holy paladins should have the lowest HPS, best defensives, best single target heals and best damage of all healers. (The defensives and single target heals should make up for the lower HPS)

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I mean I too also fondly remember…what was it, Shadowlands season 1? 2? Where hpal AW window was bonkers. Ahhhh, fun times.

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Because they generally hate it when we’re too good at anything so everything we do has to come with severe caveats attached because of the existence of Divine Shield, even though personally I think it’s an absolute trash defensive ability at this point, still stuck in an long gone era.

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I don’t want more buttons, I just want the ones we have to be better than they are.


It’s funny because Uther is a real badass in HotS. Picking the right skills makes him spam LIGHT BASED HADOKENS at foes and friends in a line.

Hpal in WoW is a lame duck, a joke. Crusader strike and consecration, :joy:

no, it is way too bloated already

Yes for the love of god less buttons, better buttons

I love this except for the disoriented part.

It would be so broken, we could make a pack be disoriented the whole time. at the speed we build holy power.

Just make it do damage and it would be fine.

Make hpal consecrate slightly bigger. Increase cooldown and increase duration so it isnt an irritating number of gcds per pull. Cause cs, judgment, and hammer of wrath to cleave in consecrate. Replace sotr while specced holy to be a ranged nuke that also aoes in consecrate (removes shield requirement).

Tune appropriately. Nerf dawnlight if our damage is out of control. Same with healing.

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I don’t think anyone wants the DK treatment here…

All my homies hate dawnlight

Why is it the top contributer for both specs in damage most of the time? Not fun

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