Hpal losing judge dispel smh

my reaction :

Rampage Jackson vs. Door [HD] (youtube.com)

bro lets just take it away from cringeibution paladins and let hpals keep it?


Smh my head :man_facepalming:t2:

Gasp! Bubblebuddyy ! Take back the mean ret name or us Ret palies will cry and YOU WILL FEEL BAD!

Maybe they could just make it remove a sub category of magic (snares/roots/dots/debuff/whateva) but not viable for all magic effects

I think all these small indirect nerfs are to make specs like spriest more viable. First the warrior root breaking nerfs. Now the Hpal nerfs.

Keep them coming!!!

Now all we need is a nerf to assassin rogues and spriests will be able to melt faces again like in the good old days!!!

spriest already really good tho


Good yes, but it’s not healthy to have auto dispels for any dot spec. It’s just frustrating and leans into making specs like boomy become instant spammers rather than casters.

This is good. Player needs to make a choice/sacrifice damage vs utility.

Auto dispels is lame, auto silence on garrote, etc.

Blizz needs to look at 2in1 interactions like this more. Get rid of cheat death too


I’m not talking about auto dispel I’m talking about judge dispel for hpal only. Being able to keep urself clean before a silence or rootbeam lands because you know when they have it up and then judging out of it was a cool skill expression hpal had.

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Yeah it’s an auto dispel. It’s a problematic design to have. It definently had a skill barrier, but at the same time things like these just simply shouldn’t be a thing for either healers or DPS, as it creates annoying gameplay for everyone involved. Especially when there’s already things that can completely negate stuff like root beam if you have a hunter, ww, ret, spri, or super sick dragon outplays (/s)


dispelling 1 magic debuff off urself every 10 seconds as a HEALER is not problematic at all.

Luckily boomkin just by itself has enough crowd control to cover for their rootbeam.

“it creates annoying gameplay for my spec”

I feel like any time there has been a counter to root beam it has been nerfed. I think void elf racial and gnome racial still work

Just because it’s not problematic for you does not mean its not problematic for everyone else.

Must suck to know that I’m an advocate for boomy being a caster instead of a dotter right?

Or that I’m going back to my WW if WW stays as it is in beta :slight_smile:

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One thing I’ve never really understood is if Blizzard wants to have dispel protection there to prevent peoples’ dots from getting dispelled, why not just make them undispellable with a pvp talent?

Being able to judge out of silence sounds problematic to me imho.

Not sure if they know what they want, adding dispel protection and then adding auto dispels as part of rotational abilites is a complete contradiction.

All passive dispels should be removed, Wrath VT dispel backlash was nice tho.

what does this have to do with rootbeam? xD

No hpal is playing judge dispel to remove boomy dots. They do it for rootbeam

throws up some gnome signs

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Agreed. It’s sad to be garbage and go into the next expansion getting a huge talent pruned. Regardless of if we’re good or not, It’s a morale killer at the very least.

The tooltip says “Casting Judgment on an enemy cleanses 1 Poison, Disease, and Magic effect they have caused on you.” Is cleansing one of each kind of debuff really enough of an issue that they have to remove the talent entirely?

I feel like there are multiple magic, poison, and disease debuffs on me at any given time when playing against the applicable classes. Does the talent work in some other way than taking off only one of them at random?

If you look on the current updated tww talent calc hpal still has judge dispel