Hpal losing judge dispel smh

Think judge dispell would even be fine for ret if judge wasn’t like a 6 second cd with 2 charges

Ya I don’t rlly see how judge dispell on a 10 second cd is problematic design for hpalla to have
At least the turn evil thing will be cool


Every xpac they just swap from Turn Evil to Rep lmao

Yea it’s egregious when it’s rotational, has multiple charges and removes multiple ailments. That’s a monopoly on gcds, like dh immo dispel.

1 debuff category every 10s that’s not a heal as a healer isn’t oppressive


It’s no surprise. Ret is their cradle spec. It’s designed for new players, so they need to keep it OP. The same goes for dh and BM hunter.

Its not an issue and is not problematic. 1 debuff isnt even a real dispel. Its more of a micro-cleanse.

Hpal having a 1 debuff self micro dispel every 10 seconds isnt problematic at all.


Youll still go OOM from 2 many judges KEKW

Can def play both next xpac which is cool

Idk what hpalla talents r like atm but this is a very welcome change for ret (please revamp ret pvp talents)

Interesting way to announce that you are completely illiterate


Shoulda just removed sanc

Can we Turn Evil players in TWW? What are the changed? Bc Rep and turn Evil on players seems wild.

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haha i wish.


Even if it were just demon hunters in demon form that would be cool

If game was good we should be able to do it on dhs in meta and dks on lichborne (and wake stun for rets) but sadly the game is bad

Would likely need more tuning if sanc is removed and more talents to compensate for its loss especially since it looks like ret may be something of a melee again (not completely sure, jurisdiction still needs to be removed/reworked)

now i can play 2400 shuffle q’s without rets killing themselves against aff

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I’m confused then, what’s the turn evil change?

Because that’s bland low effort game design.

Which differentiates from wow’s overall design, how?

I guess you got me there

Let’s try to move away from that where possible tho eh?

Moving away from that also necessitates moving away from dispel protection being so aggressive that one dispel can end a game

Hpal still has judgements of the pure on beta, it was only removed from prot and ret. At least so far.

New pvp talent makes turn evil an insta cast