Hows warrior (soloing) ability in DF?

Any particular of the three specs that are to-go-to solo? I’ve tbh never played warrior in all of my WoW history, and its looking super fun in DF. I imagine prot is probably for harder stuff like most tanks, and either fury/arms for everything else?

Any particular talent builds you’d share for your soloing stuff?

I do everything as Fury every xpac, never had problems as I’ve enough survivability and more than enough damage for rares and elites. Even mobing large numbers of creatures my life won’t go dangerously low.

I just hit 65 as arms with no problems as of yet. I ran into one elite mammoth i couldnt solo so far.

Am i crazy or is arms suddenly pretty good? Also if you go prot you can’t die even if you try.

Prot is god mode


Any spec is good. Practice with them them all imo. There is so much to play around with specs and talents wise which makes it a lot of fun.

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65 last night. Ilvl 273

same gears at 60
crit 24%
mastery 40%
haste 40%

at 65
crit 13%
mastery 20%
haste 18%

nothing is hard, just takes 2x as long to kill 70k-90k hp mobs and its sad to watch my stats tank as I level… awe well, a couple more levels and the gear grind begins anyways.

Really loving fury this xpac, even with just 5 more talents from lvl 60 i’m a wrecking ball

Leveling as a prot warrior went something like this:

  1. Get a quest to kill 12 of whatever mob.
  2. Gather all 12 in a single pull.
  3. Kill all 12 and end with 100% health.

Once I hit 70 mobs started to hit a little harder, but still prot feels very strong for soloing.


Thanks for the feedback.

I think gonna stay with fury for now. Very fun spec, and getting close to getting rampage which will be even more fun apparently. Tons of self sustain with fury. I tried prot, and its definitely more survivable and I imagine later when I get more talents be even better, but still liked fury more.

Arms is pretty fun too though, I liked that as well.

Erase the Centaur zone and it’s a top 3 launch quality expansion for me.

Leave the Centaur zone and… well, about the same but with me complaining about Centaurs.

The amount of self sustain on fury is hilarious, but awesome. Though wielding two 2handed weapons is like comedy all the time, always laugh seeing it while doing super good dps and heals

bloodthirst usually accounts for the most

5% leech baked in

impending victory

enraged regeneration has a heal and increases bloodthirst heal as well

cold hot and steel blood talent gives you leech as well. I wasnt sure if this actually gave you hp (it does say it leeches hp after all but this is another source of hp, was kinda surprised it did though since so much sustain), and it does :open_mouth:

pain and gain talent also gives you hp (4.50%? Not sure if it scales? Every 10 seconds)

I didnt pick it up, but second wind gives you hp for not taking damage for 5 sec

Tbh, at least while leveling, I’m getting better self sustain than warlock. And they already have a ton+the shields.

Though keep in mind, some of these talents are in the general warrior tree, so every warrior gets most of these.

cold hot steel blood or whatever the name is is a fury only talent. Enranged regeneration is fury only. Bloodthirst as well.

My poor hunter in comparison gets a junky heal and an even junkier defense ability :stuck_out_tongue: and a 2nd junky heal if take a spirit beast than a leech pet (but leech pets are more survivable by far)

I geared up my warrior through primalist invasions, and then tried out each spec on the aoe training dummies. Arms was ahead by 1-2k, Fury next, and then protect was half of arms. So Im going Arms. When I get a new weapon, I’ll try this out again on the dummies to see which is better.

For end game, I’ll likely go one of the DPS specs and select Arms as the loot spec. Then I can go Fury or Arms, whichever is better at the time.

I like all 3 specs, so I just play which is best. Open world mobs have been surprisingly easy to group up and kill. So all specs will work fine. Protection is usually my go to for aoe farming when mobs hit harder.

Copy my prot build and you‘ll level as a GOD.

What is your fury build?

I’m mostly following this one

I have played strictly solo prot from character creation, brand new account with no heirlooms. Currently level 70 i318.

  • It’s slow for sure, but I actually like having fights last more than 1 second.

  • I have died 4 times total. (Don’t try to solo Capt. Lancer)

  • Can solo most rare named, as well as those suggesting 3 players. Soloed Forgotten Gryphon easily. (took a long time with my DPS)

Basically if you want to kill almost anything with impunity, while taking very little damage over all, roll as a Prot. Warrior.

I have another Warrior spec’d Arms, and he is as soft as a sponge in comparrison.

Yeah, prot is definitely more sturdy than fury. Though I do find fury a bit more fun personally, it doesnt seem to handle large groups too well but maybe its a player issue :stuck_out_tongue: that and I dont have all my talents yet

But for others if they want to do prot, I’m mostly following this person’s prot build (I put a link to it in another thread too, but I’ll put it here as well)

Also this build this person has does a lot of damage, I dont really notice much (a little bit) of how fast I kill stuff over fury. And if I get a huge mob together, it actually seems faster

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Only died once so far and that was me getting overzealous, saw a pack of 5 or 6 gnolls, thought, I got this, died with 2 left alive.

Yes, but how long to kill them

Always wanted to try a Prot Warrior. I don’t like Button Mashing whackamole. That kept me from trying in the past.
Is that still a thing or can I focus on the Fight more than the buttons in DF? ty :slight_smile:
Also…Stance Dancing is a huge Turn-off.