How's the Server?

unifying the elves doesnt make sense

Lorthemar already reached out to exiled high elves, who refused, and subsequently became wretched

Silver Covenant calls Dalaran their home (and after helping Jaina with her genocide, I wouldnt be keen to let them in)

The rest of the High Elves calls SW their home as well as the Void elves, who could possibly corrupt the sunwell and every elf still attached to it

What would unity look like? Elves leaving the Alliance? (i could get behind that actually)
SMC going true neutral? (Also behind this, provided I can pvp flag against everyone else)

OR, more likely, The Elven leaders get together and make an Elfliance, to stand against threats against Azeroth cause humans suck. This has no effect on gameplay and just means an Elf Vanguard for the 3rd expak

Id like to see updates to Eversong and Ghostlands for questing, but not just 'oops void problems on top of problems we never actually solved or seen through.

I think id be okay if the Ruins got redone to be the city hub, and the city proper got redone with phasing after completing the quests

And Windrunner Spire along with the village gets renamed to Sunfury Spire and Village

With a Sailor Moon sequence of Elven leaders being empowered by Azeroth

If you can believe that the Horde can follow three different genocidal dictators after swearing not to ever again, you can believe in elf love.


You keep mentioning genocide like it’s a bad thing.


Hi. Good to meet you all.

I believe in elf love and beards.

Genocide does suck.

And, Forsaken were once people too.

You can’t prove a thing.

Oops. That was “Soylent Green”. My bad.

And throw in flying too. Especially in Quel’danas. Everytime I port in I jump from that tower thing. And that’s annoying.

I still wonder what that tastes like. I would ask around, but I hear it varies from person to person.


I was not prepared for the mental image of Malfurion, Illidan and Lor’themar in sailor fuku outfits.

In all seriousness, I’d bet its more along the lines of a loose diplomatic situation where the Elves realise just how badly they’ve been decimated since the Sundering and, with how heavily reliant they are all on different Primal Powers, Kaldorei now split between Life (Elune) and Death (Winter Queen/Amirdrassil) , the Ren’dorei and the Void, the Shal’dorei and the Arcane, and the Sin’dorei with their dependency on the Sunwell (Light and Arcane), and the Illidari with their Fel natures, it makes sense for them to all come together and try to keep each other from being dragged off into servitude or heading into a death-spiral chasing ever more purer forms of those Primal Powers to sustain themselves.

Think of it more like how the Zandalari are, in theory, the guardians of all Troll lore, history and religious beliefs, but in practice the Tribes and Empires basically do what they want and are free to shuck Zandalari aid in exchange for losing the protection of the Zandalari in turn.

WrA is doing great given the end-of-expac lull and people pulled to various modes of play e.g. classic, SoD, remix, retail.

However, TWW isn’t going to be a brilliant story. That part of things won’t change. We’ll be underground chasing Knaifu and fighting nerubians. People will be rolling rock dwarves H-side. Hydaelyn Azeroth will call out to key characters in cut scenes. Silly stuff, to be sure.


I imagine it tastes like rotten fen berries and goat dung mixed in microwaved coffee.

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It’s hard to believe that we’re already in another end-of-expac lull.

…I’m struggling to recall a lot of what happened in Dragonflight. There were dragons, right? And they flew?


The things I remember are the expac-specific in jokes and banter while demolishing each raid tier with my guild. The torture of pugging [H] Sark after the guild got AotC and I was going for that Evoker legendary.

I barely got renown due to swapping characters after season one. The story seemed to be about dragons, though, I agree with that. And they definitely flew.

Side note: the prog on this game isn’t great. If you’re casual, you can get AotC and your 2k M+ rating too fast. Half the guild stops playing less than halfway into the season.

You used to farm normal for a bit, gear everyone up, then go try heroic. Now, people outgear everything via M+ and you go from your first normal kill into heroic and get AotC shortly after.

Then everyone quits until the next season.

I enjoy the chats with all of my friends colleagues in my guild – but I don’t quite enjoy the pace or how people leave.

RP remains a stable, long-term approach to the game that I don’t really take part in.


where’s the server

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Well let me do you one better. Why is the server?


Walk-up RP in Orgrimmar is very healthy. We also had a resurgence of SMC RP a few months ago but it died down once Remix started. It was really neat to see it full again and it persisted for a few months. I imagine it will be back for TWW.

We also had a very vibrant walk-up scene in Duskwood in the last year that died down with Remix and the post-expac lull, but it’s also been coming back. I’m also game to collaborate with anyone looking to kick off Stormwind RP, too.

Welcome back and settle in, my friend.


When you find the server, I’d like a refill on my coffee, please.

I’ve been slacking in my job of being a part time ghost, gotta get back into the swing!

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