So, getting to the point, I used to play during Legion. Silvermoon was bustling, Orgrimmar was stuffed with all the pack mule races, everything was really good. Then Battle for Azeroth happened, it wasn’t to my taste, and I quit. Shortly after, Blizzard was caught spiraling through PR disaster after PR disaster with breast milk on its lips. Combined with two stinker expansions back to back, and it seemed like a one, two, punch that killed Horde RP.
I came back briefly for dragons, didn’t like their noodle design or the story, and fell off after a couple of months.
We’re now staring down the gullet of a new expansion, and I want to ask how things are going on Wyrmrest, but I know this is a stupid question. It’s like walking into a store and asking if it’s better than the ones across the street. So, let me ask some better questions.
Is Walk-up RP healthy? Or is Wyrmrest still more islanded off into unseen guild RP? If the latter, is there a bustling community of RP guilds playing with each other?
Is Silvermoon still RIParoni in pizza? Seeing it dead was one of the more depressing things to come back to.
If Ogrimmar is the only hub now, what’s the population like? Early this expansion, it never really rose beyond 40 people, and not all of them were RP’ers.
Thanks so much for your time! Hope you guys are looking forward to War Within.
Wyrmrest Community Project is trying to keep WrA connected between guilds
Soon with Cross-Realm Guilds being a reality…every server’s RP population can change?
Orgrimmar is what you would expect it to be at the end of an expansion, and when a portion of the population is playing MoP Remixed and unable to be there, and out of the Horde online still a good amount hang in Valdrakken.
Silvermoon though blah now…will be vastly different as The World Soul Saga unfolds. There is big changes to that city planned. What that means…none of us will know, but it should be cool for RP.
You’ve piqued my interest here. Cross-realm Guilds? Is Blizzard making it easier to communicate with players (RPers in this case) from different servers?
More importantly, the World Soul Saga is going to update Silvermoon? Do you know what the changes are/where I can find that info? It would be exciting to have Silvermoon back. Fingers crossed, anyway.
Based on Dev interviews, a major Silvermoon/Quel’Thalas revamp seems to be planned for the Midnight expansion. It’ll be a couple years before then, but it’ll be interesting to see how it turns out. I know a number of belf RPers have been excited about the idea. I haven’t seen much in the way of specifics about the changes other than that they plan for dragonriding to be enabled there.
Silvermoon RP has been picking up again this year – though it’s a little quieter again recently because so many people have been focusing on MoP Remix or waiting for the next expansion. I assume it’ll pick up again with prepatch/TWW.
Soon Quel’thalas will be filled with gloriously tall, attractive Kaldorei jocks as sweating, nervous and intimidated Sin’dorei nerds keep their heads down and try to focus on their studies.
As for OP, WRA is in a good spot currently and still the main destination for Horde RP if that’s what you’re interested in. We’re currently doing the whole ‘end of expansion lull’ thing but activity will pick up once TWW drops.
I was being sarcastic.
But I do genuinely feel that Silvermoon’s not going to get the HD remake people are hoping for, and will instead become a leveling zone, etc. maybe with a neutral hub in part of it.
Hello I am obligated to come in here and shill WrA’s Duskwood scene! Walk-up rp in Darkshire and around Duskwood happens most evenings, and we’re cross faction friendly so bring all the characters!
I highly doubt it just because Silvermoon is an actual faction city and it would be weird if Silvermoon was lost. Especially since it has only been signaling that faction cities are going to be expanding(Draenei saying they are building a new city for example). They’ve also said they don’t want to repeat Teldrassil. Now maybe it won’t be as grand as everyone is hoping for but I do think it will end up bigger and better than OG Silvermoon.
I mean, we know Blizzard finally got the hint after the backlash over Teldrassil and Undercity that players get reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally angry when you nuke their capital cities, but it would make for a compelling story that Quel’thalas has to be abandoned because of raisins, but the new Sin’dorei Capital ends up being the Isle of Quel’danas, the Sunwell itself.
Rebuilt, massive and multi-layered, it would also give reason to, after retaking Silvermoon, the old city gets rebuilt to, not into a capital, but a housing district, sanitorium for the Withered and the Wretched, and site for pilgrims from the Quel’dorei, Sin’dorei and Ren’dorei factions to come together in relative peace.
I don’t, but we’ve got to find a reason to get blizzard to upgrade capitals, and they won’t do anything unless it causes immense upheaval in the world (of warcraft).
I just want to skip the genocide and get to the part where people get nice things.
I think from a purely gameplay perspective (which is what Blizz and most players care about), getting a new Silvermoon that’s actually a leveling/quest zone is a lot more interesting and engaging than just a bunch of fancy set pieces for (roleplayers) ostensible nothing.
I get it’s cool to be cynical and think it’s naïve to think there might be good things to come, but it’s okay to have a positive and hopeful outlook on something and not immediately assume the worst is going to happen. I suppose on the bright side of that cynicism, there’s nowhere to go but better than your expectations.